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" is imperial inches, ' is imperial feet.

Sixel graphics on the vt220 (1983) worked by defining a custom font of 10x10 px characters (9x10 in high-resolution mode), which you could then switch to for any given character.

As far as I know, there is no terminal emulator that supports this flavor if sixel graphics.

By default, mpv has vertical-scroll bound to volume and horizontal-scroll bound to scrubbing.

I don't.

Just 3 AI spiders put more load on our servers than all search engine spiders and all human traffic combined.

Some numbers I have handy from before I blocked the bots:

ClaudeBot drove more requests through our Redmine in a month than it saw in the combined 5 years prior to ClaudeBot.

Bytespider accounted for 59% of the total traffic to our Git server.

Amazonbot accounted for 21% of the total traffic to our Git server.

Google has never even been close to breaking out of the single-digit-percentages of any metric.

Generally Googlebot is well behaved and efficient these days, though I have discovered that it is currently horribly broken around 429 / 503 response codes... And pays no attention to Retry-After either... Also Google-Podcast which is meant to have been turned off!

Someone needs to start adding all these AI's homepages to the browser "malware" lists.

Sticker Mule is one of the major internet-order small-batch/on-demand custom sticker/T-shirt/swag suppliers. You may know them from "unixstickers".

Following Trump getting shot, Sticker Mule send out a marketing email to customers encouraging them to buy a T-shirt that "shows you support Trump."

This has caused many Sticker Mule customers to seek alternatives. Sticker Ninja has benefited greatly from this (they are "slammed", as TFA says). Sticker Ninja hasn't done anything political here, and that's sort of the point; they haven't while Sticker Mule has.

I'm not sure what you're thinking of, but there at least 3 prominent and still-relevant awk implementations:

nawk (One True Awk / AT&T awk / BWK awk): the original awk, still maintained; is used by macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD https://github.com/onetrueawk/awk

mawk (Mike's awk): the default awk on Debian https://invisible-island.net/mawk/

gawk (GNU awk): the default awk in lots of other places https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/

But that doesn't refute the parent's point, does it? (If it has been edited since you wrote that, the version I see is "Unix's involvement with the development of the Internet was mainly through BSD, which was a UC Berkeley joint, not Bell Labs.")

They were responding to the statement:

> "why can't we [Kernighan, Ritchie, Thompson, other folks at Bell Labs] work on the the future of a global inter-net? Why do we have to hide it [Unix] as a text processing system?"

Whether or not the BSD TCP/IP implementation was the first or most influential, the point is that it wasn't the Bell Labs Unix folks driving Unix networking forward. UNET was from 3Com.

The Bell Labs people had their own approach - Datakit.[1] This was a circuit-switched network as seen by the user but a packet switch inside the central-office switches. Bell Labs used it internally, and it was deployed in the 1980s.

Pure IP on the backbone was highly controversial at the time. The only reason pure IP works is cheap backbone bandwidth. We still don't have a good solution to datagram congestion in the middle of the network. Cheap backbone bandwidth didn't appear until the 1990s, as fiber brought long-distance data transfer costs way, way down. There was a real question in the 1980s and 1990s over whether IP would scale. A circuit-switched network, with phone numbers and phone bills, was something AT&T understood. Hence Datakit.

[1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/1013879.802670

As far as I know, there were only 5 PPro computers that could take >4GB: Axil Northbridge NX801, Data General AV8600, HP NetServer LXr Pro8, NCR Worldmark 4380, or Unisys XR/6

Interestingly, while the Intel 450GX chipset was designed to daisy-chain DRAM controllers (1 controller chip per 4GB of RAM), none of the boards that actually could take >4GB used that, instead building their own solutions. Presumably that meant that there was a bug in the chipset.

Anyway, each of those 5 computers would have run you at least $500k in 1998.

(I've been on-and-off trying to acquire one of those boxes for a few years now.)

Had fun googling those system names. NX801: https://www.tpc.org/results/individual_results/axil/axil.nx8...

200 9.1GB SCSI disks for 1.8TB!

And still only 4GB RAM on that SQL Server 6.5 box they used for TPC-C. Wild.

And yeah, $770k for that server.

Edit: I guess whilst I'm at it...

Data General AV8600: https://www.tpc.org/results/individual_results/dg/dg.8600.es...

HP NetServer LXr Pro8: https://www.1000bit.it/ad/bro/hp/netserverlxrpor8.pdf

Some uses of LD_PRELOAD off the top of my head:

- GNU stdbuf (BSDs use an env-var instead of hijacking libc)

- fakeroot

- gprofng's data collector

- For a long time it was necessary to use LD_PRELOADto hack around a bug in flashplayer because flashplayer used memcpy when it should have used memmove.

> In this talk—and with this talk—I presented BoVeX, a new computer typesetting system that finally solves the AI alignment problem. It follows the tradition of Knuth's TeX, but with modern amenities such as requiring 128 gigabytes of RAM.

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