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Expensify was a pretty well known case of this several years ago — their marketing was all about their advanced scanning technology, and it turned out they were using Mechanical Turk in many cases with little concern for PII (or corporate security) concerns.

(I have no idea if this is still the case, for the record.)

That would explain why their receipt scanning is so damn slow even for easily scannable PDF receipts.

Yeah, I've always felt A Grand Don't Come For Free is actually the better album. Empty Cans literally made me cry the first time I heard it.

The later stuff, though, and particularly the material since the 2017 revival is... not great.

It's not a global toggle, but Asus definitely has options to make things more stock-Androidy — you can basically turn the Settings app back into something resembling the stock version, and a bunch of their other UI enhancements and changes are also optional.

A long time Android user wouldn't have mistaken my Zenfone 9 for a Pixel at any more than a cursory glance, but you can get it pretty close, particularly in terms of feel.

Agreed! I have a 2021 CX-5, and it's not just the infotainment controls (which are great, and work really well with Android Auto), but also just having real buttons — some with indicator lights, even — for all the heating/cooling/demisting controls.

I've rented several other cars in the last couple of years that have been touchscreen only (or, at the very least, very heavily biased towards touchscreens), and the amount of extra time needed to orient where you're pressing is honestly kind of terrifying when you need to, say, demist a windscreen quickly.

The worst I've come across for this was taking the MG4 for a test drive. The whole thing felt like it consisted of programmer art (mismatched, inconsistent, ugly etc). I quickly found the windscreen misting up on a cold evening - and had to stop to figure out enough of the interface to find the correct button.

Same. I gradually learned Rust while I was working in a job where I wrote C on a day-to-day basis, and after a while I realised that Rust was making me a better C developer by forcing me to think more systematically about ownership and lifetimes than I really had to that point. It significantly changed how I designed and structured my code, even in other languages.

Not to say I couldn't have gotten the same education from another language, but something about Rust clicked for me that others didn't.

Rust does have this: you can specify dependencies from other registries or Git repositories pretty easily. (See https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-depende... for the exact Cargo.toml syntax.)

I generally think it's fine to do this sort of thing for your own benefit and open a PR as long as you're really 100% fine with "no, I'm not interested in merging this" being the answer.

Where the problems tend to arise (in my experience, at least) is when people hack on something expecting that it will be merged, get invested in it, and then get upset when the maintainer(s) aren't interested.

Checking in before starting to work on something is important if your goal is to have it merged, not just to do the work. The problem is that a lot of people start in the first category, but then move into the second category as they get invested in their project.

It's going up to 100 req/m, but the new limit is indeed per key, not per user. (See https://old.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_upda... for more detail.)

I've been to the Portugese Chapel of Bones in Évora. The two things that really struck me were the sheer size of it — I expected a tiny room, and instead it was a decently sized chapel — and how every skull essentially looked the same. A stark reminder of how similar we all are in the end.

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