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This is a pretty good collection of small utilities but I would recommend using GNU Parallel[0] instead of the included parallel. It contains a ton of extremely useful additional features such as distributing jobs to remote computers.

[0]: https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/

GNU Parallel will also infloop if any process on the system (run by any user) has an empty argv[0] (which can actually happen; parallel scans /proc to find instances of itself). When I reported the bug, the author refused to fix it on the grounds that this behavior is a "malware detector". Between this weirdness and the citation-interface weirdness, I'm not keen on GNU Parallel.

Lolwut? It responds to "malware" (empty argv) by infinite looping? That's a feature?

One big turnoff with GNU parallel is that the first time it is run on a machine, you must interactively accept a EULA. There are ways around it, but as a rule of thumb I avoid command-line tools that do this, because this inconsistent runtime behavior is annoying at best and can easily break and complicate automation.

And no, I don't want to set an environment variable on a fleet of machines to suppress behavior which shouldn't be enabled by default to begin with! <cough> .NET telemetry </cough>

A real shame, because it is an otherwise useful tool IMHO.

What it actually does is to beg you to cite parallel if you use it in academic work. There's two ways to silence it:

• Run `touch ~/.parallel/will-cite`.

• Pass the flag `--will-cite`.

Still annoying, although it's easy enough to disable.

Fwiw the Debian & Ubuntu packages have disabled this behavior.

jobflow[1] is what I'd be suggesting unless there was a very specific reason to use something massive like GNU Parallel. It is used as part of Sabotage Linux's package manager.

[1]: https://github.com/rofl0r/jobflow

Suprised that nobody mentioned 'xargs -I{} -P N' yet. It is a GNU extension, but quite handy as it comes preinstalled pretty much on every Linux machine.

Using Volafile to host the keylogger executable seems like a pretty bad choice considering that this website will delete your files after only 2 days. Or maybe this shouldn't surprise me so much considering the "skills" of the attacker.

They probably expect to upload a new build every few days, anyway. Note the login credentials hard-coded into the executable.

Presumably, people who take more than 48 hours to open their email were deemed an edge case not worth worrying about.

You shouldn't link directly to 4chan, these threads will be gone in 7 days.

More permanent archive links:



*2chan, also known as Futaba Channel. Futaba is a "clone" of 2ch with support for images.

Previous discussion on HN after the first time it was seized


Right now the pass payments are processed by Stripe so I doubt the same could happen.

Actually someone did

>>Do you prefer Chris, Christopher, moot, mootykins, or some other nickname. (In public obviously).

>Chris IRL, moot online.

https://archive.moe/q/thread/176519/#177568 (Warning, may be very heavy to load.)

>Take home message is that the users got very personal at the end of moot's tenure.

Yet, when he left, users from the most popular boards (and even separate imageboards!) made thousands of drawings, wrote songs and made videos to thank him and say farewell. I think the number of people that liked him vastly outnumbered those who legitimately hated him.

>I also made a short (and now defunct, though I can rehost it) web-based puzzle for people on /g/ to learn a bit about encryption. Starting with a simple ROT13 and working up to audio stenography.

Durrcada? If so, I found it very fun even though my attention span is too short for that sort of things.

Lain. It was a few years ago and only 6-7 steps long because I hit the threshold for my expertise (read: next to none) at the time.

I was doing a presentation about various bombs last year and crashed PowerPoint by copy-pasting billion laughs in a slide. Simple but extremely effective.

Not sure what is worse: that MS has Powerpoint interpreting randomly pasted XML, or that they do not have handling for excessive memory usage beyond crashing the whole program.

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