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I am one of those JS guys who like to put JS/Node.js everywhere, but I do not get the problem Redbird is trying to solve: the Express.js doc is quite clear that for serious things, you should use a dedicated http server. [1]

If you just want reverse-proxying, you can choose between the simplicity of Caddy or the power of Nginx (or Apache). Why would I want to run a JS app (that I know will be less performant) to do that?

  [1] https://expressjs.com/en/advanced/best-practice-performance.html

> If you just want reverse-proxying, you can choose between the simplicity of Caddy or the power of Nginx (or Apache). Why would I want to run a JS app (that I know will be less performant) to do that?

The same reason you'd use Caddy over Nginx or Apache, why use the former over the the latter when the latter already exist and are faster? Because someone who knows Go but not C can customize its codebase, just like someone who knows JS but not C or Go can modify Redbird's.

If Node.js is good enough to build and run servers then it's good enough to build reverse proxies.

I have used apache since version 1.0 came out. I have never needed to modify the code.

If you use this logic, you would not be able to run Linux because it is written in C, correct?

No, not correct. Why do you think it's okay to immediately jump to an absurd conclusion?

There's value in being able to modify the software you're using. That doesn't mean you throw out absolutely everything every single time you want to appreciate that value.

There are cases when performance is not your main focus but simplicity of use is. Like during development. I'd of course never use this in production, but it's perfect for my development needs.

I agree with the sentiment, but using nginx as a proxy is reasonably easy (at least after you make one that works and can reuse that configuration.)

The advantage of developing on as similar a platform to the projected production platform is that when you do deploy to a real environment, there are fewer nasty surprises.

How easy is it to use nginx for dynamic proxying? Wondering, because the need I have is to be able to dynamically route requests to ephemeral flask apps that could be on a different host/port at any given moment. Not my design BTW, but it's what I need to do.

The thought was to have node manage the flask processes and another tracker service which would dynamically proxy to the apps. Can nginx provide this? Forgive my ignorance, just new to the concept of dynamic proxying.

nginx is just a web server so it doesn't have dynamic programming capabilities. However, if you wanted to do something like that from nginx you could script it in Lua using OpenResty https://github.com/openresty/

It is not reasonably easy, I can't set it up completely with "git clone" and it does not stay inside the project (that's an issue when your developers use a huge variety of operating systems with varying installed and configured software). That means a lot of time lost during problem solving with the hundreds of developers I work with, most of them have never even heard about nginx, they're developers, not sysadmins.

There absolutely should not be any nasty surprises with switching a reverse proxy, and you can cover that with end to end tests. Such issue would be a bug in the reverse proxy.

Of course there are things like Docker, but that implies performance issues on Mac.

> If you just want reverse-proxying, you can choose between the simplicity of Caddy or the power of Nginx (or Apache). Why would I want to run a JS app (that I know will be less performant) to do that?

I don't have the numbers to back this up, but I would be inclined to believe that a Node.js implemented reverse-proxy would outperform Apache.

- node (whose main reason for existing is event driven IO) is in the same order of magnitude as nginx (whose main reason for existing is also event driven IO). I think sometimes people think node is ruby/python/php levels of performance. It isn't.

- And as another comment mentions, developer productivity may be better than minor performance difference - you mentioned Caddy, same rationale applies here.

- nginx is also a bit crippled as useful features (like dynamic reconfig) are only in the proprietary nginx plus.

- This has good defaults - having to set up the seperate webserver for ACME is a pain, this is way easier.

Python: we use the node event loop too now (https://magic.io/blog/uvloop-blazing-fast-python-networking/).

But actually, you could have setup a pure Python server instead of nginx for the last 10 years with twisted.

Not that you should not consider uring nginx anyway: it deals with caching, load balancing, has great tutorials, it's battle tested, and has tons of pluging.

But performance wise, WSGI is not Python.

Sure, I mentioned Tornado a few minutes before you posted this. Twisted obviously counts too, I dislike the non-PEP8 coding style it uses but that's off topic. I love Python's non blocking features, they're just not in the mainline VM right now. Here's hoping for a libuv or whatever else non blocking Python 4 VM / stdlib.

Asyncio has been in the the mainline VM for quite some time.

Yep, the stdlib just needs to use it. In nodeland blocking is the exception: that's not yet the case in Python.

Do you know of a performance benchmark that shows the current status? I can't find many that describe node not at those levels of performance, Especially against Ruby.

Sure: https://iwf1.com/apache-vs-nginx-vs-node-js-and-what-it-mean...

I haven't seen anyone compare Ruby to node perf, unless there's a non blocking variant of Ruby (looks like nio4r), in which case it would have similar perf.

Likewise node vs Python Tornado would be a good comparison.

Thing is, nio4r and Tornado aren't the standard library. Whereas node's stdlib is: node's file and socket read operations etc are non blocking, Python and Ruby equivs are not.

Also (addressing weird moderation - sudden downvotes when I mentioned other languages): please don't turn this into a lang tribal thing: I personally think Python is a better language than JavaScript, it just blocks by default. This isn't a matter of preference, it's a fact.

That resource looks like node is faster than those other languages? I think you might be getting the down votes because your comment is being interpreted that it is slower.

> I think sometimes people think node is ruby/python/php levels of performance. It isn't.

Except, it is ruby/python/php slow: https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r17&hw=...

All of PHP, Ruby, and Python beat Node.js in the above-linked benchmark.

Raw number crunching performance is similar with Node and Go. Python and ruby are in different league than them. https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/...

Do you think this discussion or the OP is about "[r]aw number crunching performance" ?

As always, kudos to Canonical to deliver one of the most mature distribution.

But. 2018. And still no fractional scaling. This drives me mad. (changing the text scaling is not a solution).

Ok, there was Mir, Wayland is late (again)... how can this problem not be solved in 10 years? (genuine question)

Maybe it's because when you set fractional scaling you lose pixel perfect design (icons, images, and so).


I find this as a failing, at least partially, of desktop monitors. Once the DPS is high enough you kind of stop caring about individual pixels. However most laptops and desktops out in the wild have screens which are 1080p at best. Nota bene: I'm talking globally, developed countries are doing better int his regard.

It dosen't happen that way on windows. I had scaling set to 1.25 and got no issues anywhere.

The issue with linux is that X wasn't designed for this and Wayland is still unstable/unusable (thanks nvidia)

Wayland is actually pretty stable. Nvidia has problem with OpenGL in Xwayland (i.e. 3d accel for x11 apps), otherwise, it should work.

There are warts though, when using Wayland. When using scaling (doesn't have to be fractional, either), X11 apps are being upscaled, not downscaled, resulting in blurriness. Unfortunately, neither Firefox nor Chrome does support Wayland natively, and who wants to use their most used app on their computer in blurry mode?

Must admit I don't understand what Wayland is, or X server for that matter. Would someone mind explaining it, for someone a bit dull of mind as myself?

In short: X.org is a decade old display server that became the standard to display graphical window on the majority of Linux distribution. GNOME, KDE, XFCE and others are/were client to this display server.

Wayland is a new protocol where the window manager (ie GNOME, KDE,...) is responsible of directly managing the display. Each window manager must reimplement this protocol (or use a library already doing this work) which enable them to have more control over the windows.

Applications must also directly support Wayland like they did for X.org before (which was the default commonly used, so no problem) or the user just have XWayland installed on their computer to show X.org windows inside a Wayland WM but then the application may not display correctly (blur, artifcats,...)

It is perhaps worth noting that while X.org is about a decade old, it is an implementation of the X Window System protocol which dates back to the mid 80s.

Suffice to say, quite a lot has changed in computer graphics/interfaces since that time, and most modern *nix operating systems end up circumventing quite a lot of X to offer modern features. Thus X brings quite a lot of legacy debt to the table which can't be easily removed.

Also, even back in the day, X wasn't considered the best tech around, at least by some. For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeWS was around.

However NeWS' licensing was proprietary and X won out.

Gopher and HTTP had a similar situation. Gopher had a lot going for it, but the future licensing situation was unclear. HTTP was free, clear, and widespread by the time Gopher became GPL.

After 10 years of work you still can't do much useful unless you run X and shim it with XWayland. "Stable" is a strange descriptor given this context.

"Stable" and "popular" are two different concepts. Yes, some apps and frameworks didn't bother yet with the switch. Some did, Qt5 or Gtk3 are fine.

Firefox has recently added wayland support, it isn’t enabled by default.

It doesn't play nice with OMTC, or 3d accel in general (see EGL bugs in bugzilla), and has problems with scaling and input. It is a work in progress, that's why it is disabled.

> It dosen't happen that way on windows. I had scaling set to 1.25 and got no issues anywhere.

You do get scaled (and hence somewhat blurry) icons if you do 1.25x on Windows as well. 1.5x usually works better, because icons scaled by that much tend to hit the next size tier that is often available prescaled to look good (16x16 -> 24x24, 32x24 -> 48x48).

I think it's an issue with SVG icons (this format doesn't support fractional scaling, but TTF fonts do).

The whole point of svg and (vector graphics) is that you can scale them to whatever you want.

If you do fractional scaling on a svg image, pixels will not align to the pixel grid and the image will look blury. You won't notice that on big svg images, but tiny ui icons will definitely look blurry.

There was even a (never implemented) proposal to allow svg files to handle this problem.


That's why svg icons are often designed using a 24x24 pixel grid, so you can scale them at 48X48 (x2), 72x72 (x3), 96x96 (x4) and they remain pixel perfect and crisp at those sizes.

It's still better than scaling bitmaps, so it's weird to single out SVG as the culprit. It makes things better in general, not worse.

>I think it's an issue with SVG icons

How so??? SVG is a vector format

It's 2018. We have had SVG icons for years on Linux, which scale beautifully. Bitmap icons shouldn't be used any longer.

On desktops/laptops, 1366x768 is still by far the most common resolution.

SVG or not, but on a 13" - 15" 1366x768 screens icons need to be pixel-perfect or they will look crap.

If you have a 1366x768 screen why would you need DPI scaling? You shouldn't be affected by this issue at all if your resolution is below a certain threshold.

Who on earth would prefer that to proper scaling?

I use KDE with x1.3 scaling and it mostly works, but e.g. VirtualBox is unusable with scaling, pdf fonts in Okular look torn, some pixel maps scale poorly giving artefacts.

Still, I don't have better options: 13" FullHD doesn't play well with 2x scaling (and even 1.5x would usable, but too big for my taste).

I realllyyyyyyyyyy hate blurry pixmaps

Ahh Linux, you’ll catch up in a few decades maybe.

Many commonly used apps do not support Wayland - yet. https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/102936/graphical-a...

It's available as an option at login, and mostly works without issues. The preference is sticky until you change it and I mostly boot into Wayland.

I have my Xubuntu desktop set to 1+3/16 if I'm not mistaken (which in 96dpi units is 114) and everything works well. I'm not sure what you mean.

I don't know much about the issue, but is this fractional scaling thing a problem only in Ubuntu, or Linux in general?

(If specific, I guess it should be easier to fix now, once they decided to use GNOME as their desktop environment, right?)

Canonical can only be blamed for this if you disagree with their decision to move to Wayland and Gnome. Fractional scaling has been planned in Gnome for some time now (it was originally supposed to be in 3.26).

Unity7 worked well enough with fractal scaling IIRC :(

It still does. 18.04 with Unity here, no problems whatsoever with existing fractional scaling on several screens ranging from 13 to 27 inch.

17.10 had fractal scaling setting on Wayland (not X.org). Not sure if you can enable it in 18.04, probably possible.

I guess it is more or less the same everywhere.

Worth to mention the Pioneers of the French Foreign Legion are one of the only soldiers (that I know) who can wear beards. [1]

  [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Foreign_Legion#Pioneers

I see Indian soldiers with beards helping people in Palu last week, so perhaps Indian Army also allows beards?

Paras and marine commandos are also allowed to grow beards.

I assumed soldiers helping with disaster relief are less likely to be special forces.

That's probably a fair assumption, OTOH paras and commandos are "projection" force so one could expect them to be able to arrive very quickly and set up with little to no resources. Wouldn't be the worst disaster relief force early on.

In the the end, it is just a problem of privacy VS features.

And to be honest, unfortunately, I think most of the average users just want features.

This is kind of already taken by elementary os though.

How about something phonetic like Slashy Slash (a la Marky Mark)?

Looks like it's already taken by a number of things:


Prop-types is for runtime, TS does static type checking. Prop-types are terribly verbose and only work with React (what about utils files, external libraries, etc?).

> What's the startup scene in Paris like?

The start-up scene is currently definitely at an interesting point: really young and active (people already shared links to Startup studios, you should have a look at them). The meetup scene is great too.

The salary is still a pity though (compared to the States, Switzerland or Baltic countries). For a middle developer position, you may be around 40K euros, which is "nice in France", but not a lot, especially after paying your taxes.

> How good does my French need to be?

To work, English is fine, to live, it's another problem. French people are usually really kind to people trying to learn French as it's a hard language. If you don't care about french, people won't care about you.

> Are there any languages/platforms/etc. that are popular there more than in Silicon Valley/Fairfax County

There's a bit of everything, but the Web and Robotics are especially important.

> For a middle developer position, you may be around 40K euros

I won't get into details here but 40k€ before taxes ("brut") for a developer between junior and senior is not considered that good in Paris anymore. It would have been decent 8 years ago but wages went up with the increase in demand. Of course it depends on skills, position, stack, etc...

That being said, you will almost always make more money working as a freelancer, and you will definitely make more working remotely for a California-based startup (which may be difficult because of French employment laws but is still definitely possible).

I don't know how much has changed in the last 5 years, but "more" in the US was at least 3 (over 4 for me) times more. Computer programming (in the mainstream regard) was a "meh" position: something you do while trying to become a manager.

I loved it there and would advise anyone to do it (I'm thinking of doing it again!) - but if money is your goal... I traded an awful lot of "opportunity dollars" for "opportunity experiences".

I am working in Tallinn. This is the first time I've ever heard anyone say anything good about the salaries here. I'm happy with mine, but it would be 3x higher in US and Switzerland (I have also worked there). What do you base this opinion on?

Maybe the poster ment Baltic states as in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Germany. Norway and UK are also other decent spots.

People tends to compare GitLab to Github, to me it seems more they compete with VSTS or Atlassian.

CI, project management (epics and roadmaps), monitoring...

Github introduces really few features but seems to make them right, or really limited, but never “bad”.

Gitlab on the opposite, works more with super-fast and open iterations, without hesitating to roll-back if it just doesn’t work.

As a front-end developer, accessibility has always been a way for me to describe to non-technical people what I actually do for a living.

Saying: "I build web applications" means nothing to them, and saying "I create website" makes you look like a wizard doing some black magic.

But saying "my job is to make websites accessible to everyone: we are used to use a screen and a mouse, but what if you are blind or deaf? Those people should not be allowed to go on any website? My role is to make those people able to browse the web, as you and me" give them an example of what kind of problems you actually solve as a web developer.

> Saying: "I build web applications" means nothing to them, and saying "I create website" makes you look like a wizard doing some black magic.

Who are these people? When people ask what I do I just tell them "I'm a developer; I make websites" and they understand what I do enough to move the conversation forward. Is there other context I'm missing?

In France, roughly 12% of people don't use the Internet - https://www.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gspublication/State-Of-Inter...

In Indonesia, millions of people say that they don't use the Internet - but they do use Facebook - https://qz.com/333313/milliions-of-facebook-users-have-no-id...

For all of us, it's worth stepping out of our bubble to see how other people perceive what we take for granted.

Those are really interesting statistics. Would be a good idea to look those up before traveling on business

There's a difference between informing someone of your job title (serviceable smalltalk) and actually telling them what you do (likely reserved for a conversation with someone who's demonstrated some interest)

Who are these people?

The other 98% of the world.

Context probably matters. Those "in the working world" are likely somehow familiar; others perhaps far less so.

That's a pretty good way of communicating. I need to start changing "I write web servers" to "I make sure our customers, who are frequently in the middle of nowhere, can interact with the services we offer."

But those two statements seem to me to be very different. The first would make you a web backend developer and the other more of a network engineer or sysadmin. I know this probably isn't too different for many people, but those people won't probably be able to imagine a specific job if given either description.

I don't want to be just negative, so I'd like to suggest an alternative: "I make parts of computer programs, like <names of well-known products that are similar to ones you make>". This will be easily understandable to everyone who knows what computer programs are and also won't be misleading. You could also add "for the internet" somewhere if that part is important.

While the roles certainly overlap, frontend dev and accessiblity for me have become separate roles. The level of knowledge and expertise just too much in each.

If you're able to pull it off, that's impressive.

Of course GitHub stars do not show usage, it shows interest. Considering Vue came later, we can also say its interest grew much faster.

There is no winner anyway, both React and Vue are amazing tools giving you the power to solve the same problem in different ways: building UIs.

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