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does indeed seem rather unhinged

One binary to rule them all, one binary to find them, one binary to bring them all and in the darkness bind them; in the Land of Lennart where the shadows lie. Bwaahahaha.

This gave me a genuine chuckle. Clever humor, thank you.

all caps is (was?) typically considered SHOUTING so README gets your attention

4 trillion transistor wafer-scale integration


It has tunnels because the Navy did not want the bay blocked if the bridge dropped into the water. Which is exactly what has happened in Baltimore.

high logical intelligence doesn't imply common sense

Bell Labs had a very nice portability framework also -- there was a Cygwin-like product called U/WIN that made extensive use of it -- might find it associated with ksh93 maybe.

Speaking of Bell Labs, there are some great ideas for a build tool in the Bell Labs "nmake" tool - I believe it was originally created to speed up ESS5 switch builds, which took 3 days before make. It has programmable header file scanning for example, a shell coprocess to avoid all the fork/exec of standard make, build state files, lots of other things I have forgotten.

There is a certain irony in these buildings not using indigenous construction techniques.

No there isn't, any more than there's irony in white people not building thatch-roofed huts. Every culture evolves over time.

Not people's perceptions of said cultures. Africa is over 62% Christian as it stands today, and yet the Wakandans of hollywood practice ancestor worship (representing ~2% of Africa). There's irony wherever you look. We can't seem to move past the past when it comes to minorities.

A lot of christians, maybe most globally, also practice veneration of the dead. Sometimes syncretically, but also from an external anthropological viewpoint the communion of saints is indistinguishable from ancestor worship. The christian theological understanding of it is very different, which is probably why we don't use this term for it. But's it's there.

I mean, (the fictional nation of) Wakanda is depicted as a very isolationist country, and it's reasonable to expect that Christianity wouldn't have taken root if foreign missionaries were expelled throughout its history. Tokugawa-era Japan may be the closest comparison, where its isolationist policies resulted in fairly high retention of indigenous religions even through to modern times. Today less than 2% of Japan's population is Christian, whereas nearly 30% of South Koreans are Christian.

Indigenous ways aren't incompatible with modern technology. Matter of fact, when settlers came from Europe with muskets, the indigenous people whom they encountered immediately wanted them, and soon developed particular tastes (flintlocks were good; matchlocks produced too much smoke before firing which would give away your position on a hunt or ambush).

FORTRAN is easier to optimize than something like C so is much used for numerical computation

my recollection was that the P51 wing used a NACA airfoil and it had low drag properties not commonplace at the time

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