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I don't think the issue is with the number, but rather the context. What should the end user think when finder reports that there is 60TB of data on a 2TB drive? People with above average file system knowledge can generate an explanation for it, but what good does that number do?

When programming a feature like this it can be hard to spot the problem. The calculations for the backup's size can be 100% right, but still not appropriate to show.

It isn't too bad; naming stuff is always hard. If the Microsoft marketers knew about it then I would expect to see Azure™ Gen.NET™ Live™.

> I would expect to see Azure™ Gen.NET™ Live™

Give them 3 major releases.

Did they give up on ONE?

>> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/examine-c...

OneLake is Fabric's lake-centric architecture that provides a single, integrated environment for data professionals and the business to collaborate on data projects. Think of it like OneDrive for data; OneLake combines storage locations across different regions and clouds into a single logical lake, without moving or duplicating data. Data can be stored in any file format in OneLake and can be structured or unstructured. For tabular data, the analytical engines in Fabric will write data in delta format when writing to OneLake. All engines will know how to read this format and treat delta files as tables no matter which engine writes it.

you forgot to add 360™

Can anyone speak about YouTrack/Space's warts? The marketing blurbs makes Space + YouTrack look like a decent replacement for Jira + Confluence + Bitbucket, but I don't recall ever hearing a developer talk about it.

YouTrack is pretty great. So is TeamCity and they integrate well. The JetBrains instance is open so you can just sign up for an account there and play with it. Also you can run them both on-prem and they're pretty easy to admin if you do.

Space I haven't used. It seems like an attempt to reinvent both products in a GitLab style product which is a pity because the JetBrains tools are very mature and I don't think they needed a new product.

A decade ago when we used JIRA team-wide and not org-wide, some teams internally preferred YouTrack so they used that (until the whole org moved to JIRA). What bothered me personally was that fields were basically "unschema'd" and everything suggested every value -- everything was effectively a label field -- including typos, which are more common in a company where English is second language.

But that was a decade ago, and it could've been a misconfiguration on that team's part. It was also back when JIRA was more of a structured database with real issue types and not stories atop stories for all eternity.

> How many military bases does Russia have in Germany

Not the direction you are aiming, but I find Kaliningrad/Königsberg a fascinating example of soviet imperialism.

Oddly Bing seems to like PDFs more than other pages. I have a project that generates PDFs for logged in users. I see a handful of Bing/MSN IP addresses that keep on trying to view that page everyday, but MS has never tried to index other pages that need user authentication. So either Microsoft is really eager to index PDFs or my code the logs unauthenticated access attempts doesn't work on other pages.

Because we all know that banning photo books that include that statue of David protects your children.

The basic chain of events is:

Teachers wanted to have books like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cd5VUhMrF4 available in classrooms (this is on the MO 'banned books' list). Parents (obviously) objected to this, but the teachers/librarians dug their heels in.

Due to a loss of trust, parents started demanding oversight into everything that the schools/libraries were making available, and that's how you end up with absolutely crazy things like banning photos of the statue of David.

TLDW: Erika Moen (web cartoonist) wrote a book called "Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships and Being Human"; in the chapter on sexting she advises teens that pictures they send to people can never be deleted and therefore they should crop out their faces and any identifying birthmarks, etc, before sending one. A concerned parent read this passage at a school board meeting to protest this books inclusion in the library. Hilarity ensues.

but this is about public libraries, not school libraries. also, the linked video is from Alaska, not Missouri.

I would add boots that are high enough that there is no gap between the rain pants and the shoe. An old pair of "hiking" boots did the job for me. Riding through a puddle and getting your socks even mildly wet feels terrible.

I've been thinking about it in terms of the transition from pre-1950s human computers to electronic computers. How much should we morn the loss of rooms of people doing calculations by hand? Making it easier for people to solve problems seems like an obvious win even if puts the "just give me the requirements in a ticket and let me code" programmers out of their jobs. Even outside of big software projects, imagine the business benefits from allowing an office worker to describe a problem and get an excel formula to try.

Are there any gotchas around the sql parameterization? Looks like you're passing in an array into db.exec. I would have thought that would be enough, but if I search for org-mode then I see an error on the console complaining about no such column: mode.

adding some quotes seems to help; you can search for e.g. "coe-xx-mode" and it will turn up results.

The Try For Free link is a bit awkward. It points to a page that just says Jobs, that in turn just points to a empty black page.

I assume the intention is to use the Login link. If so then I think that should be at the forefront instead of the empty pages.

Yes, sorry for the rough onboarding.

Yes, the intention is to use the login link.

Once your logged in, you can start using all of AJIR's features for free.

Please refer to the first blog articles explaining the app's concept and some of its features: https://www.ajir.app/blog/ajir-in-a-nutshell/

Like I said in the initial post, I will improve the doc and try to make Looms.

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