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Interesting to me that WebKit gets vertical form controls before MacOS. I don't have any experience with vertically written languages. How important are these controls to computer usage in Japan? Does Windows have them?

At least in Japan, not important. Japanese is written vertically in novels, comics, newspapers and some writing in school, but almost everything else is written horizontally. Textbooks, manuals, letters from the bank, websites. Restaurant menus often go vertical for a more Japanese feel or horizontal for a more western one.

That said, I think it's great to see this support added to webkit. A diverse web is good for everyone.

There's more usage of vertically written Japanese than you listed. Some signboards, some formal letters, many paperbooks (and ebook version), vast majority of non-technical magazines are still vertically written.

Fortunately, for forms, I haven't seen any vertically written forms except school work.

When drafting a formal letter, does the author write it horizontally and present it vertically? Or, is the author expected to have skill at writing a 90 degree rotated character? Or, is the character not rotated, but just written in columns not rows?

> Or, is the character not rotated, but just written in columns not rows?

This one. Think about it - they don't expect the reader to tilt his head 90 degrees to read it :)

Formality is often tied to skill. Writing at a 90 degree angle would require more skill, the ability more rare.

Calligraphy, for example, conveys no extra information but is of higher stature.

I suspect most of modern Japanese media is horizontal exactly because of a low support for vertical in digital. Multilingual applications and systems rarely favor i18n improvements for a smaller groups of users.

Japan has a pretty strong local tech industry. Microsoft Word needed to add all kinds of features, including both vertical writing and weirder stuff like a dictionary of seasonal greeting phrases to use in formal correspondence (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/blogs/office_globa...) to compete successfully with Japanese word processors.

So I suspect the causality is the other way around; there wasn't much demand for vertical form controls for the same reason you don't write emails in cursive.

How many characters tall is a Japanese book? English paperbacks seem to be similarly sized on the number of characters/words wide. Interface guidelines put an optional number of characters on a screen somewhere between 60-80. Books being taller than they are wide seem like it would stretch the limit to something harder to track for vertical writing.

Note that Japanese characters are much bigger (+ meaning-packed) than Latin characters, so it's also harder to lose track of which line you are at IMHO.

Like 20ish seems common in my experience learning. But you have to consider that most words are 1-3 characters before comparing that to English line lengths.

The article mentions Korean but vertical writing is not used at all in Korea. It went out of fashion many decades ago. I'm not sure why safari decided to add this feature...

There's only one language in common use where vertical writing is effectively mandatory: Mongolian. They also use Cyrillic for historical reasons, and Latin script as a modern convenience for electronic communications, but the native script is vertical.

That's enough reason to support it, imho. Japanese and Chinese are also routinely printed vertically, so that adds another billion and a half people who stand to benefit from it.

At least in Mongolia, Cyrillic is dominant and usage of the traditional script is marginal, though there are efforts to bring it back.

Most users of traditional Mongolian script are in China, where websites are in Chinese by default and Mongolian form elements are rare. They do exist though, and it would be nice if the search bar of this bookstore https://mn.dayangds.com/ could be vertical like everything else.

The Mongolian President’s site[1] has a top-to-bottom search box and it seems to work in Safari fine.

[1] https://president.mn/mng/

Looks like mn.dayangds.com does UA sniffing so you only get the vertical search bar if the user-agent contains the string "Firefox/" followed by at least one digit. Ugh.

Japan has adopted LTR long ago in TV and the web. Never seen a Japanese site formatted vertically. Newspapers and books are still vertical, but it's not really difficult to read one way or the other.

While it's not quite C++, here is Chromium's implementation: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:v8/...

It's Torque, which is essentially C++


It's been a few years since I was looking into it, so this might be out of date. But WPE is targeted at kiosks and places you might want to display web content but not have a full web browser. Igalia can sell consulting services to these companies, as opposed to webkitgtk which has a small number of non-paying users. So WPE serves as a place for more active development of webkit-on-linux while not breaking webkitgtk which powers the web browser "Web" on gnome. Things from WPE tend to slowly make it into the webkitgtk build eventually. It's all maintained by the same people.

Looking at https://webkit.org/wpe/, the first design goal is the one that justifies WPE vs other webkit ports: "To provide a no-frills, straight to the point, web runtime for embedded devices."

The other goals, like standards compliant and hardware acceleration, are there to differentiate WPE from non-webkit and ancient-webkit browser engines that people might use on embedded devices.

Assuming you are working in tech, I'd avoid investing in tech. You don't want a situation where tech does badly and you are both out of a job and out of your savings.

yeah someone else once said this to me but it doesn't make sense for me to put money into industries I know nothing about

So, don't invest in industries. The global economy is heading for a recession right now. Treasury bonds are good to buy before a recession triggers a bear market.

Real life queues can be scary too. I think of how complicated Disney's fast pass system got https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yjZpBq1XBE. Luckily with software it is way easier to get more servers than it is to build more theme park rides.

Developer tools point to MathJax https://www.mathjax.org/. If you disable javascript you can see some LaTex.

I tried my best to. What is your user agent?

Chrome on iPhone. Looks like Safari does the right thing, though!

:O yeah I should fix that. That is going to create 6000 <iframe> elements. I don't think your web browser would be happy.

Sadly that is exactly my case where it stopped responding. I thought it was your design goal! And I don't want to walk through the adventure again, especially after I jumped off the platforms twice.

Well I fixed it for the next person at least. It is still a bit laggier than it should be but it will no longer crash your browser. Thanks for playing!

  for(var i=0;i<8;i++) ls ${i}
^ this made some odd looking number folders. No idea which folder was in which folder, but, ok...

for(var i=0;i<2;i++) for(var j=0;j<2;j++) for (var k=0;k<2;k++) for (var l=0;l<2;l++) ls ${i}/${j}/${k}/${l}

This did nothing, so I'm not sure if you fixed it or just placed a cap on how much js you are executing... (should have at least shown 16 frames)

for(var i=0;i<8;i++) for(var j=0;j<8;j++) for (var k=0;k<8;k++) for (var l=0;l<8;l++) open ${i}/${j}/${k}/${l}

Is/was producing a nice log of things not opened...of course my browser tab is busy logging 6 GB+ of history (does your terminal have a scrollback limit?)

Cute game, maybe I'll try to open the box later after I get some sleep. Not sure what I would use the terminal for, though - is basically what you're trying to do an interactive scratchpad with history?

If that's the case, I would look into Jupyter e.g., I'm not sure I get the point otherwise.

I made it so that it short circuits the frame creation of if there aren't going to be any files to show in that directory.

I'm honestly not sure if the web sandbox I made has enough realism to solve that puzzle though programming. There is a feature of snail that I was using to get past it.

TIL pushd. I should go add that to snail.

There is no bash running here, but I can promise nothing in the game is scarier than JavaScript!

also: cd -


I don't have an iPad to test on but I'll try it out in the simulator. I assume you were using an attached keyboard? I would guess that the soft keyboard would not appear in the monster fights.

Correct, I was indeed using an attached keyboard. And I also wouldn’t expect the soft kb to behave properly either on the iPad or a phone.

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