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It's called The Economist, and it's really, really good.

Night panel and the funky pop-out drink holder were EVERYTHING!

I like James Clear's idea of "habit stacking" from his book Atomic Habits. For example, every time you brush your teeth - clean the bathroom/sink real quick. Then, you're ensuring every time you brush your teeth (which should be at least once a day), you're getting the bathroom clean as well.

That is absolutely hilarious. Flashback to a similar technology `sleight of hand` -

Back in middleschool, when JavaScript's window.open allowed you easily to launch a fullscreen window with no browser chrome, and setting the background-image to a screenshot of the desktop... it was so entertaining watching students and teachers alike try to use the machine and thinking it was frozen!

My favorite version of this:

- screenshot someone's desktop

- set the background to the screenshot

- iconify all the apps

They'll click around in increasing panic on the "apps" on the background, before they realize what happened :)

Not that this ever happened to me, of course. I'd never fall for it again.

Tape on the bottom of the mouse is another common joke these days.

If the OS you are using has a taskbar, also set it to auto-hide, preferably in a random location.

As always, that kind of elaborate joke is best kept short. I also like replacing someone's shell with `wine cmd`, but nowadays the best protection for myself is that nobody seems to be able to use my computer (sway, full of shortcuts that you have to know in order to do anything). I'm similarly dumbfounded when at my friend's computers. Luckily, this is all fixed by opening a good old POSIX-compliant shell :)

Tape on the bottom of an Ethernet cable will guarantee a day of no work

And tech people wonder why the general populace doesn't like them.

We work hard for the pitchforks and torches..

In college, during the time I worked at the campus library in Stack Maintenance, on some days I also worked in the library computer lab. A joke we played on one friend was to take a screenshot of the regular computer desktop and make that the startup screen.

And the background screen.

And then use ResEdit to allow us to hide all the rest of the regular UI elements unless you typed the magic keyboard combination to un-hide them.

But that was a joke we played on a single friend. We knew that our friend could take a joke, and he wouldn't try to take revenge against us, or anything. No way we would do that on the general public.

Just out of morbid curiosity, _what_ kind of things are you usually looking for?

A very wide variety of things, actually. I have eclectic tastes. But most often, it's programming or electronic-related stuff.

A vegan/plant-based diet and now we're talking! I like this list a lot!

There's very little evidence that completely abstaining from meat (animal based protein) brings any meaningful advantages from the perspective of life span. In fact in general, it's far more difficult to build a complete diet eating vegan only. I of course do think there's a moral argument to a vegan lifestyle, and am a definitely a strong proponent on that end.

Personally, I think a vegetarian diet strikes a better balance that's also more sustainable in the long term, assuming that you also do care about maximizing life span as well.

I think you've got some homework to do :-)


Your link has some great information. Plants are highly nutritious, and people who don't get enough of them are probably unlikely to be as healthy as they could be.

That, however, doesn't preclude meat being beneficial as well. It's not an analog one is better than the other, and it doesn't mean you can't build a complete diet being vegan either. It's possible, in fact, to build a complete diet eating meat only as well if you really wanted to. Generally though, it's far more difficult, and you have to be pretty meticulous about what you eat in addition to probably having to supplement additional micronutrients into your diet to do so.

I abstain from red meat, but I eat plenty of chicken and fish...

red meat is a good source of heme iron and vitamin b12. I agree with my coworker, a little steak a few days every month is good for you.

Heme iron is toxic. [0]

B12 you can get from a pill. The same stuff they inject into beef. [1]

So if you skip eating red meat, you can avoid the toxins from cooking, such as HCA and PAH [2], the exogenous cholesterol, atherosclerotic carnitine [3], hormones, etc. I think that's a better way to get B12.

[0] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S03784...

[1] http://eerainuh.com/supplementation-of-vitamin-b12-in-cattle...

[2] https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/d...

[3] https://www.prevention.com/food-nutrition/healthy-eating/a20...

Heme is also what makes a burger taste like a burger. https://impossiblefoods.com/heme/

If you feed cows corn all day every day, yes they need B12 injections. I buy beef from a local butcher and the beef comes from our local farm of pasture-raised cows. It's more expensive but because of this it limits my beef intake to a few times a month.

> Heme iron is toxic. [0]

Everything is toxic in inappropriate doses.

liver == steak * 1000 Only problem is being able to stomach liver a few days every month. I know it's a super food but I'll be damned if I can eat it more than once every few months.

Agree that eating meat at every meal is a dumb idea but is there much difference between a plant based diet and a mediterranean one in this regard ?

I guess not

An intern at NPR trying _way_ too hard, probably.

The sad truth is that some people truly are above the law. Us normal people would go to jail. "They" will not.

Wow. I read that when I was like 16-18. I'll never forget the green cover with Mario on it.

* full plant-based/vegan diet + salt/oil/sugar free

* Linux

* committed to exercise every single day (gym, cycling)

* revamp finances

* regular reading (Three Body Problem, Snow crash etc.)

* regular meditation practice

* climbing mountains

* finishing my computer science degree

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