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I have ~50k/year of passive income. I'm definitely not in the same class as people with ~50mil/year passive income.

50mil/year passive income puts u at the billionaire level. Obviously they are not going to describe themselves middle class. I do believe the commenter is referring to people making 200-1000k+ and still calling themselves middle class.

My point is that people making 200k-1000k are closer to middle class than billionaires. So it makes sense to me why they don't group themselves with the billionaires.

Anyways, I think the answer is just based on how you want to define middle and upper class.

"const input$ = sources.DOM.select('.field').events('input')"

Is there a switchMap in here?

What happens if the input element is removed/inserted back into the DOM?

"input('.field', {attrs: {type: 'text'}}),"

It's possible right now for the value in this input to differ from the value in input$.

Maybe use a combineLatest and then this?

"input('.field', {attrs: {type: 'text', value: inputVal}}),"

`select().event()` does not use `querySelector` directly under the hood, it filtering and routing all incoming events accordingly. So even if you change the elements, as long as they match the selector, they will be routed correctly. Source: I recently rewrote the DOM driver :)

Pay the 10x developers 3x to join your company. A lot of startups are just groups of very skilled engineers who have identified each other and left a behemoth together to work for themselves.

It's very hard to give 15+% raises at behemoths so there's always people who are very underpaid for what they do.

If someone wanted to sell a new app, they have to get people to recognize their brand and install their app no matter what.

Ride sharing companies then also have to reach a critical mass where drivers and riders can match in a reasonable time. I think overcoming that is the network effect.

"Overcoming entering into a new market" is categorically different from "Overcoming a mandatory 6 month freeze on your ability to compete while your competitor gets first dibs."

This is why I think it's crucial to find a good engineering manager. He or she takes care of the politics for you and makes sure you're properly rewarded for your work. It lets you keep your head down and focus on tech.

They're usually a main contributor and value good code as much as you. They're surrounded by a set of engineers who have worked together for 5+ years. And most of these engineers have followed the manager from one company to the next.

If a company starts treating the group unfairly, they move on to the next company as a group.

Somebody's investment doing well isn't a reason to penalize them. Lots of things have had way higher returns than single family homes.

Yea, the `catch` would probably have to set an 'errors' object on the response. The following `then` would then decide whether or not to throw an error based on that. Not pretty.

Also, I think `finally` makes your code easier to read. I always put the same kind of cleanup logic in there, everyone on the team knows what to expect in that block.

>all savings of people who don't invest in cryptocurrencies are worthless, that fear may be driving a lot of the ICO speculation.

There are lots of ways to invest your money that aren't based on the dollar. Futures, real estate, company stocks, metals.

Sure, and they'll hold their value even in this scenario. But (other than the hedge funds) I suspect many people investing in these ICOs aren't big investors in those, and even among those that are, I doubt they'd like to see their checking account become worthless.

How about the return on PonziCoin everybody missed out on? It's gone up about 10,000% in 2 months. Market cap should surpass global GDP mid-May next year.

Yes, but all the systems put in place to shield fiat from the booms and busts don't exist in crypto.

For example, the federal reserve and legislators can manipulate the interest rates and the deficit to encourage people to hold or sell their USD.

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