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VRAM is such a small portion of the BOM that they could double it, keep the same margins, and the MSRP would only increase by like $300.

The problem isn't margin on the consumer cards, the problem is competing with their even higher margin workstation cards.

Thing is AMD can't have Nvidia margins because nobody supports them - take a hit for a generation on pro sales - get market/mind share and then you have a chance to play the same game.

Sadly, you can drop "them" from your statement and its accuracy stays about the same.

Unfortunately, a side effect of the devaluation of the yen is that food quality at conbinis has decreased as they try to maintain price points. I recently spent a few weeks in Tokyo and there was noticeable difference in quality versus a few years ago.

This is really fun. A usability note, at least on Safari on iOS, you have to put the protocol for a web page to load. If you just put www.cnn.com without the https, it never loads.

Linux intentionally has an unstable driver ABI in part to make life a living hell for vendors who don't want to upstream their drivers.

Windows on the other hand maintains a very stable interface and has no desire to maintain vendor drivers.

Anecdotal, but I know the guys behind this. They're about as much free speech absolutists as you'll find. They're not going to remove anything unless it presents a large legal problem for them not to.

Additionally unless it's changed in the last six years, you should pretend ZFS dedupe doesn't exist.

Not in a stable release yet, but check out https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/discussions/15896 if you have a need for that.

I would agree with that. Given the history of the Oxide team, they chose what they viewed was the best technology for THEM, as maintainers. The rest is mostly justification of that.

That's just fine, as long as they're not choosing a clearly inferior long term option. The technically superior solution is not always the right solution for your organization given the priorities and capabilities of your team, and that's just fine! (I have no opinion on KVM vs bhyve, I don't know either deep enough to form one. I'm talking in general.)

I wouldn't worry about voice. They offer it as a paid feature of GSuite to business customers. It's not going anywhere.

They're now calling it "Google Workspace" for the moment.

Like Google Domains?


I have the Twig and the triple blade. The twig is definitely my preferred. The triple blade is fine for shaving large areas, but any detail work and it's useless.

The twig does need to be cleaned very often, but it's not a big deal and it is better than any DE I have used in the past. Much less irritation and nicks than my DEs in the past.

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