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Crazy idea, if you don't know what you're talking about, shut the hell up.

it was an honest question and i don't think your reaction is appropriate behaviour for this site.

If most think my comment is worthless, the voting system will make it enter the void. If others think it isn't it will be upvoted. That's how this site works.

Just responding with "Shut up" adds nothing to the discussion and is something i am shocked to see on this site :(

Look at the username - likely a purpose built troll account. Not the first I've seen on HN, but it's happening more than it used to.

That's funny. I thought cobrausn was a "purpose built troll account."

On the contrary, I think it's simply a snake enthusiant with a maritime affiliation.

Hah, half right and a good guess. Since we're on the topic, I always read your name as 'Max Payne'.

Well, that's far better-sounding than the reality, so please continue to do so!

No, but YMMV.

I used to be able to tell people like you to go back to Reddit. Unfortunately the quality of HN has declined far enough that your content-free insulting of a decent question is not immediately recognizable as something with no place here.

I consider that fact a sad commentary on how far HN has fallen.

Responding to trolls probably does more to decrease the quality of discourse than the original troll does, since those typically get voted into oblivion relatively quickly.

Tossing in a belittling jab at another website to boot doesn't help either.

I'm a relatively new HN reader (~1 year) and have taken much away from my time here (much reading, few comments). I understand where you're coming from with concerns about quality; however, I resent the fact that I may be considered part of the increased readership responsible for "HN's decline"

Hopefully knowing my fuller opinion will decrease your resentment.

I suspect that new users follow something like an 90/10 rule. 90% of them are good to have around, and contribute more than they detract. New blood is good. But 10% contribute junk that is like virtual cholesterol, it builds up, clogs the system, and if left untreated eventually will be lethal to the community. of that 10%, perhaps 10% are simply toxic waste that you want to get rid of, and 90% just need encouragement to fit in better.

I sometimes comment on egregious comments by the 10%. You've reminded me that I should more often acknowledge the existence of the 90%, and on my hope that the 10% I'm looking at are part of the redeemable 9%.

There is an observation that goes back centuries, which applies here. The observation is that if you pack a barrel of apples and there is even a single bad one, the whole barrel will spoil. But if every apple is good, the barrel will remain good for the entire winter. Thus, "don't let a few bad apples spoil the barrel". We want the apples, but none of the bad ones.

Unfortunately the advent of refrigeration has caused us to forget the original wisdom and the saying is currently used as the exact reverse of its original meaning ("oh, it was just a few bad apples").

During packing we were still checking all the pears for injuries ("stem punch", caused by other pears), since apparently it would spoil the whole box if there was a bad one. (Packing pears in New Zealand for export to Europe and the US) - On a commercial and longterm scale you apparently still have to take care.

Rotting fruits release ethylene gas which is a ripening agent. This causes fruit next to rotting fruit to ripen then rot.

An interesting mechanism I think. Before looking that up I would have suspected a biological transmission of infection or something, not a chemical transmission.

I've been lurking HN for awhile now, and complaints about HN's decline were going on even years back when I was first introduced to the site...

That's how all communities work though. As a community grows and attracts new members, the old guard moan about how it was better when they were noobs.

In fact this is true for real -"offline"- life as well.

Complaints about HN decline have been going on since I first started visiting this site in 2007.

What would happen if HN were split into sub-communities like reddit?

Also saying reddit doesn't have quality discussion is a bit unfair to the minority of subreddits that do.

Or ask an informed group of readers for clarification?

actually people have been posting google searches to find exposed home ip camera systems and the like for years.

Affirmative. I've been using Google "Dorks" for years.

Dude, what the heck?

Not sure what this is showing up on HN now. The law has been on the books since 2011. We should be more interested in the new law That just granted legal immunity to Monsanto.

what law are you talking about? I'd be intrested to learn more. can you provide a source / links?

Google "Monsanto Protection Act" or "farmer assurance provision"

for the 2011 law Google

"Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)" or "Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act"

That law says nothing about photography.

its a two way street. these companies would do the vary same thing the second it becomes profitable.

It's a brave new world out there. Well, I knew this would happen eventually, and I got a lot out of the internet while it lasted. Shit, the last 15 years of my life have been grand thanks to the net, but now it's time to kiss it goodbye.

I, for one, welcome our new corporate master feudal lords.

I think this says more about the market that buys featured apps than the developer. Specifically, it has become much smaller, but getting featured is still a guaranteed payday.

Nobody here seems to realize that these firmware upgrades do little to adress these issues. Tomato explicitly says its a UI update only..

A bitcoin miner is much safer and requires much less time commitment.

If you do your research Dell/Alienware is actually very competitively priced. Most people discount the service, which is tech-onsite and parts for 1 year.

It's competitively priced compared to computers which are delivered with Windows and thus have that price included.

The shovelware on those systems actually offsets the cost of windows licenses, and sometimes to the point that they make more than windows licenses.. I'm assuming this doesn't come with that.

I don't recall seeing any shovelware or bundles on my Alienware, besides the "gamer" goodies which I'm sure appeal to some.

so many people use ajax.googleapis.com it's ridiculous. Most the time when you block this, the page fails to load at all. That's fine though because they often don't have content that interests me anyway if they're that type of dev on the web.

~or~ how to bring in new investors to your bubble.

The next crash is gonna be painful. My popcorn drawer is well stocked.

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