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Do you know how that sentence you wrote right there works? Did you create the English language?

I see a lot of talk about Vimperator here.

Vimperator's pretty good, but you people really need to check out Pentadactyl.

I was using Pentadactyl about a year ago but I don't remember why it was better than Vimperator.

A few days ago I switched back to Firefox and Pentadactyl wasn't available for FF36. So I'm back to Vimperator + Tree Style Tab + Toolbar Autohide. Its a terrific setup, can't recommend it enough.

Pentadactyl's ("5digits"?) build system is broken, and they haven't released a stable version recently. I publish my own personal builds from the unmodified source at this location[0], if you're interested.

[0] https://www.rylee.me/~rylee/dactyl-builds/

Any highlights on how the two differ today? I seem to recall briefly using pentadactyl as vimperator broke something, perhaps "it's all text!". I don't understand how people can stand vimium - but that's probably because I've grown used to vimperator more than anything else.

I've never used Vimperator. I do know that Pentadactyl is far, far better than any solution I've ever used on Chrome because of how well integrated Firefox extensions can be and how limited Chrome extensions are (can't run on Chrome Store pages, can't run on builtin pages, can't run on file URLs, can't launch external programs, etc).

Their own nightlies started working again recently: http://5digits.org/nightlies

I gave another try to pentadactyl the other day, and, to be honest, I expected way more from it. I prefer vimperator by far.

Pentadactyl is dead with the last several versions of firefox.

It's just their build system that's broken -- the code itself is fine; and works with the latest Fx. I'm using Firefox 36.0.1 right now with the builds I publish. The source is pulled and the extensions built every single night at midnight CST. Builds are located here[0].

[0]: https://www.rylee.me/~rylee/dactyl-builds/

True, I always think the same thing. But if a wheel was rotating clockwise, it would be moving from left to right. That could be where it comes from.

Depends on if contact is made to the top or the bottom of the wheel. (sorry)

Honest question: Why do people care so much about or like having the year in the title? In some situations I can see it being needed to prevent big confusions, but many times I see people put the year in the title when it doesn't really seem to matter. In this particular case for instance, I don't see why it would be needed.

Not the parent but the reason I like to see the year in the title in cases like this is because I've seen it previously. I looked at the title and thought, "I think I've read that before" but as it was here on HN which is mostly comprised of new content I thought it might be something new clicked through. If the year was in the title I would have immediately known I had read it before and not had to click through and read some of it to find out.

I downvoted you.

You shouldn't generalize people (doing it by race is called racism; doing it by country has no fancy name that I know of but it's wrong all the same), or refer to some cultures as "better" than others.

I think "xenophobia" might be the most applicable term.

Doing it by country is racism. Doing it by religion is also racism. These things make up your race.

That's simply not true, according to the definition of race it requires sharing a biologically identifiable connection with other people. An Asian man and a Native American could be born in the same place and raised in the same family but would not share the same race. Discrimination on the basis of country is a separate thing which I don't think has a specific term. Wasn't able to find one with a quick Google at least.

(The following mostly applies to C#.)

> Objects containing the same values should be equal by default.

Sounds good, but it's a tricky issue. Equality must be checked between all values of both objects. This can take long, as objects can have many values and may contain references to other objects which may in turn contain references to other objects and so on. Object references might even be cyclical. Not impossible to account for but quite tricky.

And how about get/set properties? These must be checked as well, even though many will be just "mirrors" of private or protected properties, and others might be calculations based on other properties (like the area of a circle).

> Comparing objects of different types is a compile-time error.

Accounting for inheritance, I assume.

> Once created, objects and collections must be immutable.

This sounds like a terrible idea. Wouldn't objects be to even modify their own properties?

> Objects must always be initialized to a valid state. Not doing so is a compile-time error.

> No nulls allowed.

Nulls are useful. The problem here comes from not knowing whether something may be null or not. The solution would be only allowing Nullables to be null, and enforcing anything that's not a Nullable to be initialized.

A couple of problems with the API.

First, why do you have to call checkDestinationQueue after modifying the queue? It's awfully redundant. I assume this is due to some kind of limitation.

And second, goingUpIndicator and goingDownIndicator are kind of sketchy. Can you activate both at the same time? What effect would that have? There should be a single property, directionIndicator of an enum type with the possible values up, down, and none. I don't think you can make enums in javascript though, but I don't know the language very well. I'm just explaining this in terms that I know; there probably is a suitable javascript equivalent or replacement.

I'm not a developer of the game but:

DestinationQueue handling: It is not redundant, those are different options. Just to give an valid example: Add something to the queue, sort the queue, make the elevator run the updated and sorted queue.

Having both goingUpIndicator and goingDownIndicator is probabaly necessary to get this abritrary third state (both enabled / both disabled) which essentially indicates that the elevator will go in both directions.

correct, those works as flag with 'accept passenger in these direction' meaning. also note that if you change those values while you are at a floor, you need to go to that floor again for passenger to notice.

Yeah this is basically correct. There is nothing really preventing an elevator from reporting that it's going both up and down. The up/down indicators are used for two things: 1. To shut off the up/down request indicators correctly on the floor when the elevator arrives. 2. By passengers to decide whether to get on an elevator or not.

Thanks, I'm having a hard time with those indicators as well. One question. If I never set the indicators in my code, do they automatically get set? Or are the passengers getting on the car when there is no indicator?. (So far I've been having a lot of people refuse to get on my car, and I assume it's because my code is setting the wrong indicator).

BTW, this is a game that will haunt me for a long time to come. Even when I pass a level, I stay on it trying to reduce the metrics rather than accept that I "lucked out" with my naive algorithm. You did a fantastic job on this.

I think they are automatically set to true at the start, and will never change unless you change them.

DF also already has an almost silly level of ambition: http://bay12games.com/dwarves/dev.html

Your post is very reminiscent of this[0], which was posted on HN a long time ago.

[0]: http://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesi...

I'm gonna need a source on that one. I experience ASMR, and the tingling sensation definitely calms you and feels nice, but it has nothing sexual attached to it.

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