Yeah, that's how that works. The world moves on and progress happens. You don't have to necessarily like it, or embrace it. But if the entire world is moving a certain direction and you decide to not move with it, that fine. But it's a choice you're making. You may not like that the entire world is going from horses to automobiles, but if you refuse to embrace them you can't be surprised when the grocery store is now a 3 hour walk away.
This is interesting. If nothing else to just have the visualization of the idea of how eyes evolved from a single light receptor. I've often heard of that in biology but this really makes the idea more tangible.
I was going to say this as well. To say the human brain is a statistical machine is infinitely reductionistic being that we don't really know what the human brain is. We don't truly understand what consciousness is or how/where it exists. So even if we understand 99.99~ percent of the ohaycial brain, not understanding that last tiny fraction of it that is core consciousness means what we think we know about it can be up ended by the last little (arguably the largest though) bit. It's similar to saying you understand the inner working and intricacies of the life and society of new York city because you memorized the phone book.
This is my point. He said, they said, studies show, but we really have no idea. There's evidence for the fact that Co consciousness isn't even something we posses so much as a universal field we tap into similar to a radio picking up channels. That the super bowl is experienced by your television, but isn't actually contained within it.
Today is my first day on HN and I came here looking for the comments. I miss intelligent conversations and reasonable interactions and reddit is just a dumpster fire now (and arguably before). Even if you can find a reasonably mature sub you're still exposed to the muck raking of the front page overflowing into everywhere else.
If writers are using ai to write articles, and readers are using ai to summarize the same article, what's the underlying inefficiency here? That writers should just be posting brief summaries of the articles in the first place? Or maybe they just need to be prompting ai to create a summary rather than a full article?
Differences in how people want to consume the article, and what information they’re looking for. Some want snippets, some want summaries, some want long form.
We have information compression machines now. Might as well raw dump the information and let the machine package it up in the format we prefer for consumption, instead of pre-packaging it. (Yeah, this is effectively what authors are doing…currently they can still do novel things that the compression machines can’t, but how long will that last?)
This would be absolutely incredible to incorporate into VR. You could create such an intuitive organizational method adding a 3rd dimension for displaying.
This would be absolutely incredible to incorporate into VR. You could create such an intuitive organizational method adding a 3rd dimension for displaying.g