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It’s an uncommon take that a diverse market with no single sector even close to a majority is a problem.

Clips work by observing transmission of light through the finger being absorbed by oxygen-carrying blood as opposed to the single chip wearable which depends on measuring reflected light. Different techniques, different patents.

Thanks for explaining this! I was wondering why "clip on" vs "wrist worn" would matter, and your comment cleared it up.

I don’t understand why people use sha256 when sha512 is often significantly faster:


A couple reasons just on the performance side:

- SHA-256 has hardware acceleration on many platforms, but SHA-512 mostly doesn't.

- Setting aside hardware acceleration, SHA-256 is faster on 32-bit platforms, like a lot of embedded devices. If you have to choose between "fast on a desktop" vs "fast in embedded", it can make sense to assume that desktops are always fast enough and that your bottlenecks will be in embedded.

On older 64-bit CPUs without hardware SHA-256 (i.e. up to the Skylake derivatives), SHA-512 is faster.

Many recent Arm CPUs have hardware SHA-512 (and SHA-3).

Intel will add hardware SHA-512 starting with Arrow Lake S, to be launched at the end of 2024 (the successor in desktops of the current Raptor Lake Refresh).

Most 64-bit CPUs that have been sold during the last 4 years and many of those older than that have hardware SHA-256.

This may only be applicable to certain CPUs - e.g. sha512 is a lot slower on M1

    $ openssl speed sha256 sha512
    type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes  16384 bytes
    sha256          146206.63k   529723.90k  1347842.65k  2051092.82k  2409324.54k  2446518.95k
    sha512           85705.68k   331953.22k   707320.92k  1149420.20k  1406851.34k  1427259.39k

> there's no way to make your data anonymous and usable by the third party at the same time. The

This is absurd hyperbole, here’s a trivial proof. The US population is 51.1% female. If you live in the US your gender information is included in this data point, but it cannot be de-anonymized. It is however useful for determining TAM for many products.

Anonymity is a spectrum, and there are many points along that spectrum which are solutions to usable data which also respects privacy.

Privacy is a spectrum, anonymity is not.

Plenty of those people are present in this thread.

The irony of demonstrating a lack of critical thinking ability by claiming to be the great teachers of it has always been extremely amusing to me.

Don’t correct them, it’s honestly better this way.

Both the beauty and horror of non-stem courses is that they require a degree of abstract reasoning on par with computer science.

What one does with that reasoning is up to them (and it is often twisted in laughable ways, see the portion of an abstract I posted up-thread). Often times the brightest thinkers have been from 'soft' sciences like history or sociology. I think it is because of the abstraction required to reasonable think about these subjects.

> It would not require a lot of changes.

It would require Apple to stop being Apple. Give up their App Store revenue (Steam) and give up their proprietary 3D API in favor of a standard? Might as well ask for a Start button.

Not really. Supporting standard 3D API on that hardware wouldn't be that hard. They don't have that much different hardware that supporting a driver for it would be that difficult.

> Give up their App Store revenue

They are not giving up anything they currently earn, they would be adding sales of hardware and games.

They could make a deal with Steam or make their own steam and make it easy for Games to port their games to it. They could likely find some way to monetize this.

> wouldn't be that hard.

What are you basing that on? They’ve spent a lot of time talking about how optimized the hardware and software are for each other, why are you so sure that getting equivalent performance and efficiency would be easy? Consider how trash MoltenVK is compared to Metal. About the best you can say is that it technically works.

> not giving up anything they currently earn

That’s not how Apple thinks. If they cut someone else in, especially a behemoth like Steam, they’re signing away their ability to do Apple Arcade for MacOS in the future. Look at the whole Kindle vs Apple Books fiasco, they’re never going to let someone else in the pool again. They won’t even let the XCloud game streaming app on.

Because with very few developers Asahi Linux people have made a huge amount of progress. Apple could have 10x as many people working on it and it would be a tiny drop in the bucket. Even if you lose some performance, its still worth it to run Vulcan software.

> never going to let someone else in the pool again

Then make a proper games platform that is easy to target for games that are already on steam.

> The average user doesn't know about drive enryption.

Nor should they. Good news though, it’s on by default in any recent Windows which supports it. So a great many millions of users are using it without needing to know or care.

Bullshit. The User should be able to get at every implementation detail. These things should be discoverable. A tech that cannot be learned except by some esoteric priesthood is a failed tech.

> it’s on by default in any recent Windows which supports it

A tech that just works automatically without having to learn it seems even better.

But I suspect it's not actually that hard to find; users just have no reason to care.

You might want to read the Wilson et al paper on mindfulness significantly increasing susceptibility to false memories, that’s quite the downside.

Ask 4 people and you’ll get at least 5 answers, I recommend reading rtings reviews and buying whatever they recommend for whatever kind of viewer you are. If you’re asking this kind of question here then that’ll be good enough.

Edit: https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/best/tvs-on-the-market

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