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OneDrive and the local Microsoft photos app have been doing it for a decade already.

Holy shit, that thing is amazing compared to the computers I had access to in the early 90s

Yeah, that's what they're doing to the AI: Mutilating chunks of its brain so it can't function

RLHF, so far as I can see.

The same positive/negative reinforcement learning from human feedback used to train them for chat/task completion rather than just autocomplete in the first place.

Personally I'd rather be able to game on my beefy iPhone 15 with a clip-on gamepad than have to lug around a slow, loud, gigantic Steam Deck or a laughably primitive Switch

Their support raises issues directly to the dev teams when they happen often enough, too. There's a good chance the touch screen team is working their asses off right now on this already

Ah yes, many fond memories of my dog dumfyg-gycpid-8Vujmi

Good ol dumfyg. I've bad a hard time pronouncing their name to service reps over the phone when locked out of an account.

In the future, people will name themselves XÆA-12 so even their login can’t be guessed.

You could just say "it's some gibberish" to restore the account.

"What was your first dog's name?"

"Oh, something random."

"Ah yes, correct, welcome back."

That's why people should make up something believable like "Mr. Poop Muffins"

I'd guess they didn't market it well enough

A palm pilot could do most of what people love iPhones for, but the only people who used them were business freaks and super-nerds

My Palm V was grayscale, did not have any wireless outside of some useless IrDa, no audio (music) or video of any kind, no camera, and no web browser.

My Samsung SPH-I300 had color and audio and internet and browser and basically an app for anything you could imagine just like android or ios today (better, since there was no Apple or Google preventing anyone from making any app they want, or preventing you from installing it), in 2000 or 2001, 7 years before the iphone or android.

Without a keyboard or numpad just a full front face color touch screen, it was a prototype modern style phone. I had email, audible.com app, ebook readers, ssh and irc clients, even a vnc client. Vnc & rdp were ractically useless on 14.4k dialup equivalent and 160x240, but it actually physically worked. I had a couple different contacts db to dialer integration apps. Then just the infinite random apps like a netmask calculator, resistor color code calculator, etc. The contacts db had my works entire customer & vendor dbs on the phone while off line by using a simple csv export and the palm desktop synced it to the phone. Full size sd card slot.

It was freaking great. in 2001. iphone and android are 2007

yeah but the palm vii came out the same year, in 01999, and did have mobile internet service and a web browser https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_VII but cost more

it wasn't until the handspring treo 180 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handspring_Treo (released in 02002) that palmos devices were smartphones. the higher-end models even had color

Software is the easiest thing in the world to outsource. There's no reason we can't play Chinese-made games or use Indian-made chat apps

Market forces (more demand than supply) are what push coding salaries into the stratosphere

Alex St. John's blog was like that for Microsoft in the 90s, but unfortunately he took it down after a bunch of internet Marxists got mad at him for encouraging entrepreneurs to work long hours building games

Pretty wild.. what's the point in even making them go to school if you're just going to let them goof off on their phone all day? Just let them sit around at home watching TikTok until they turn 18 and have to get a minimum wage job

Schools could teach kids to do something useful with their phones so they can use tech to their advantage later in life?

How ho you think kids that never learned to responsibly use tech will do in college when they are on their own?

Kids can't even mutiply two numbers and they are supposed to learn the most complex device ever made from school? lol

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