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> It is also possible to perform different computations on each calculator. This function comes in handy when the user wants to compare prices to determine which store product is cheaper by the gram, for example.

This adds another use-case outside of the M functions on a standard calc :)

but what if the _flying spaghetti monster cult_ were disproportionate users of bots for their viewpoints?

how does twitter disprove bias?

Twitter has no obligation under this law to disprove accusations of bias that arise due to disparate outcomes.

Furthermore, such a requirement would backfire spectacularly on the conservative right; consider all the other areas where disparity of outcome arises today.

perhaps - or perhaps that ship has already sailed[0]

[0] https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-algorithm-crackdown-...

That’s effectively what Nick Hanauer has been saying more recently but I believe we are too far gone at this stage.

The US government is very capable of handing out $1200 checks to everyone as we have seen. It is also extremely popular with the people. I mean I guess the only impediment is courageous politicians but that might be a large obstacle.

I wonder if they gave out the $1200 checks every year and funded it by taxing the top brackets, that would cause a large surge in consumer spending (mostly on essentials but also on luxury goods as you go up the income bracket).

I think you inadvertently pointed out the whole problem. The US government will hand out checks in emergencies, funded by debt, but won't actually increase taxes on top brackets in a meaningful way. So you end up with wealth redistribution being a non-starter.

> I believe we are too far gone at this stage

When irrationality and straight-up lying are so entrenched, you wonder what it would take to shake up the system.

The only thing I see is some major catastrophe, like a meteor strike or something on that scale.

I think we are seeing the slow disintegration of the system as we speak with the pandemic. Or rather, we are seeing an acceleration in the slow disintegration that was already happening. The rise of the populist right all over the world is a troubling sign of things to come.

The people are not content. Look at the BLM protests in the US, they were the largest uprising in American history. They were bigger than the MLK riots. Content people do not riot. Needs are not being met, or at least perceived needs are not being met.

The pandemic should've been enough but... meh.

I love how all the highest rated “Amazon’s Choice” items for a USB-C Hub all have Q&A feedback saying the HDMI port doesn’t work, but the reviews saying the same thing get scrubbed

How do we even find reliable dongles/hubs these days

Buy them from the manufacturer themselves. Anker, Monoprice etc. Or places like B&H, Adorama, Best Buy, at least you get good customer service if it doesn't work.

Is there a resource / someone’s Medium who will break down all of the legit manufacturers? I’m aware of some for RPi like Jeff Geerling has great microSD card reviews

Btw I went with Anker because it had the least reported issues from Amazon (after extensive filtering on my part)

Don't use Amazon? Or pre/post-pandemic, go to a store and try the product or talk to a human about it?

I haven't had any issues buying from web shops anywhere in the EU and with physical stores the owner is (if nothing else) invested in the property and will probably sell you decent stuff. Never had a used product sold as new, untrustworthy reviews (beyond that most individual reviews are not representative of the true population), or other such problems that I read about Amazon on HN. Of course, you need to know what features or specs you're looking for or you'll still get, say, painfully slow sd cards for nearly the same price as the faster ones, but that's not necessarily a quality issue: the product doesn't falsely advertise being fast.

Living in Germany now, Amazon is a very dominant player here and, not speaking German that well yet, it's a bit harder to find other shops that sell a random item. Amazon is an easy first stop but they make it super hard to do comparative research (sort by price does not sort by price, no useful filters, inconsistent or missing product info, etc.) and so I usually do end up putting it in google/ddg instead and finding an alternative store to buy from, or get something second-hand (within reason). Or just go over to one of three computer stores that are within walking distance from home or work. That's how I'd find reliable dongles/hubs these days...

> Amazon is an easy first stop but they make it super hard to do comparative research (sort by price does not sort by price, no useful filters, inconsistent or missing product info, etc.) and so I usually do end up putting it in google/ddg instead and finding an alternative store to buy from, or get something second-hand (within reason).

Since you're in Germany you might want to take a look at aggregators like Geizhals or Idealo. Geizhals in particular enables the user to narrow down product searches by a very complete property/attribute filter. Once you found some products that meet your requirements, both services will show you were they are sold. You will notice that Amazon rarely has the best price and the quality/accuracy of their product listings, descriptions, etc. is downright terrible.

Amazon still features fast, reliable fulfilling, but so do some other shops. Bottom line is that you have lots of choices in Germany.

The problem in America was RadioShack (before went out of business) as a brick and mortar store was also rebranding crappy wired products that would go out too.

I find it strange that a braided-cable charger from places like Target will go out before the Apple manufactured one

There are probably a few regional stores like Fry’s that have good electronics though, but their numbers are dwindling

> sort by price does not sort by price

This drives me crazy. How do they get away with this?

People keep buying I guess? `\_(:))_/`

Even one false positive is a policy failure

> we're overpaid already anyways

Who’s we? Rent is astronomical

I tentatively agree but feel employers will somehow turn this into hurting both domestic and H1B workers even more.

Ah H1B.

“Let’s pit you tech workers with lower paid foreign tech workers and make you blame the wrong group of people”

This (bad cache) used to happen with misconfigured shopify sites and had the same impact as described

I assume “felons” matches a dictionary search that “ajandneeksiciajenebdh” does not

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