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    Location: Toronto, Canada
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Java, iOS, Swift, Javascript, SQL, React (basic exp), OpenCV
    Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fando
    Email: afando@gmail.com
Senior Android developer with 8 years of experience. 2 years of iOS experience. Build and deployed production apps for Android and iOS from scratch. Basic knowledge of React Native and Flutter. Interested in learning Kotlin Multiplatform.

Interested in working in the education industry, as well as AI, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision.

This is excellent work!


I'm not well versed on developments in blockchain tech. Could someone here help explain whether this is good news and which specific problems, if any, would this technology help solve. For example, could this be applied to provide secure online voting systems? I like that proof of work protocols are inherently safe as long as majority computing power is 'good'. Could such decentralized security technologies replace the currently centralized ones completely, for example, certificate authorities? Please pardon my ignorance, I'm eager to learn.

I think people here will appreciate the following information. To understand fat production, I recommend everyone research the way a liver metabolizes sugar, and its connection to fiber - it is most important. Long story short, the liver metabolizes excess sugar into fat cells when there is not enough fiber. Presence of fiber allows excess sugar to be broken down into waste which leaves the body, avoiding production of fat cells. In essence, this is why eating a bag of apples is healthy while eating just the sugar from the same amount of apples is not. Consuming adequate amounts of fiber is key to healthy sugar consumption. If you noticed, fat people tend to not eat much fiber. The smaller the ratio of fiber to sugar the fatter you are. Simply focusing on increasing fiber consumption leads to much better health because you naturally begin to consume more vegetables and fruits which also have the nutrients. Additionally, and this is perhaps the most understated health fact. The importance of pH balance. The body depends and thrives when the environment is alkaline, and dies when it's acidic. Although acidic foods are also healthy, it's important to eat more alkaline foods than acidic. And the pH is determine only after the body digests the food. This is why for example lemons are actually one of the most alkaline foods. Especially when you're sick, eating alkaline vs acidic foods is the best way to regain immune system strength and health. _ Dr Lustig's video presentation about sugar/fiber/fat metabolism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM _ List of alkaline & acidic foods: http://www.rense.com/1.mpicons/acidalka.htm

Awesome, I'm looking into becoming a freelancer next year and will definitely try bonsai. Thanks and good luck.

Thanks :) Lots of our users are new freelancers or are making the transition from part to full time freelance.

We try to put together resources for them specifically, like a tool to visualize what they should charge: https://www.hellobonsai.com/rates

are those rates based off contracts in Bonsai?

Yep, sample size of a few thousand signed contracts

Obviously government should not be allowed such power. Simply because it cannot be trusted. Everyone knows it will use this backdoor against everyone without limit. And everyone knows the lengths to which the US will go to spy on their people and everyone else. The fact that this request is being made is further evidence of the government's intentional malevolence. This behavior should not come as a surprise anymore. I mean any reasonable person by now knows what to expect from US government.

I would ask: If a watermelon costs $5 dollars plus half the cost of a watermelon, how much does a watermelon cost?


you know I recently interviewed at a place I was even sort of interested in and they turned me down because they said they thought I wasn't really interested, and I didn't even ask them anything like this question. Imagine if I had!



Cost = $5 Half = 2.50

Too much? (Limit approaches infinity?)

It's 10. You are essentially looking to the solution for:

x = 5 + (x/2)

10 = 5 + (10/2)

It's good to see this happen. In this day and age i think all of us and especially scientists should be more morally conscious about the ethical implications of their work and not sell themselves when their research and tech are financed by war money or when their work becomes intellectual property of companies that deal in war. It's a double edged sword I know, but it's such a great shame. End rant.

No one has a clue about what's going on in this article. Nothing substantial it seems.

If you could redesign a system of government free from major flaws we see today, how would it work? Current systems almost seem to have a tendency to "breed" the types of malevolent, inefficient, greedy and problematic power structures we see. I think that at the root of the problem are natural human flaws. It seems almost certain that given enough time, no matter how well intentioned people are, the cumulative effect of our natural flaws inevitably evolves the kind of system/culture that attracts and perpetuates these flawed tendencies. I think the process could be compared to natural selection. Has anyone thought about it like that? I'm curious. Is it possible to design a system of government which would not be influenced by inherent human flaws? A system which, by design, has a tendency to "select" characteristics that shape it to be more beneficial, free from its current flaws?

A government and enforcement (military/police) entirely made up of robots running open-sourced and transparent AI? So that everyone could see all the factors that go into their decisions, and the short- and long-term benefits that the AI calculated for all parties affected by its rulings.

I mean, if the core issue is natural human flaws, then removing humans from the process altogether, like we do with all our other routine automation, seems to be the inevitable solution.

The problem, of course, is deciding who gets to decide the initial set of rules, and when to patch what...

Some form of sortition probably;


Basically treat political office as a civic duty, much like jury duty.

Give them a very generous salary and have a maximum term after which they can never be reinstated.

Also ban completely any form of financial lobbying.

I don't know how this worked back then, but what prevents acts of corruption or any other kind of power abuse from the instated public figures' part? BTW, the power itself legitimizes lobbying, so this may sound a little cynical but when you ban means convenient for corruption then it simply goes underground until it finds its way to being legit again in some form. Maybe this is the way it's supposed to be (the cynical part) - the game of life and the ever-present competition inside our species?

Pick 30 random people and replace them every 3 months. The new laws have to be voted on by either a referendum or a large random draft (1000 people) (which are also often replaced).

Problems are: keeping the random random. People in general making immature decision, like lowering the taxes.

Good luck implementing anything that takes longer than three months to bear fruit.

Remove a government monopoly and solve the problem with competition:


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