The point is that at multiple levels, biological functions are operating at the molecular and/or atomic level. The ATP/ADP reaction is another that comes to mind, though it's an energetic transformation involving cleaving/joining of a single atom from a molecule.
As for proofing methods: sometimes a transcription is in error. What then? The problem may be caught further upline: a protein is synthesized incorrectly and destroyed, a cell behaves improperly and the body's immune responses remove it, an imperfect embryo is formed and is reabsorbed or stillborn.
None of which denies the fundamental fact that biological processes occurring at the molecular/atomic level are in fact commonplace.
Indeed. Just like the Netherlands where 2013 saw the introduction of the "one time crisis tax" (eenmalige crisisheffing) which constitutes a 16% tax on wages, including bonus, over EUR 150K.
Now, for 2014, the "one time crisis tax" regulation has been prolonged. One time, promise! ("Eenmalige crisisheffing eenmalig verlengd")