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From someone who used to do a lot of this sort of thing around the time of this blog post (even in my fifties now,I still do):

I often thought I was taking photos of buildings and spaces that would soon not exist. In hindsight, I was correct. To have this blog documenting something from so long ago (relatively speaking) is a true gem.

Urbex, in general, is an absolutely harmless illegal pursuit,or hobby if you will. The people who go to the places few will ever see, are documenting spaces that will generally be soon lost to the world.

It's a really great thing IMHO.

Just my 2c.

Soviets, not russians. The Soviet forces consisted of people from fifteen present day countries, only one of which was russia. More non-russians were lost than russians

Considering how many millions of people the Soviet Union murdered in its own nation (before and after WWII), and the nation's of other non-Soviet European nations being invaded anexed.."to save Europe from Europe" would be a statement that many, many Europeans may not agree with.

And yet, Germany leads the Europe now. I believe there is no need to recount the horrors they were responsible for, in their own country and other European countries. I don't think what USSR did to their own people is far worse than what Germany did to 6 million jewish people, enough to treat Germany better than the Russians, who in fact suffered at the hands of the Bolsheviks.

Wind, current, tides, your own boat at risk as well as other people's boats alongside... docking can certainly get the heart pumping.

(Liveaboard cruiser here)

Can anyone in Belgrade tell me: is smoking still allowed in Kafana's?

(other than Cafes in Vienna, Serbia was the last refuge of the smoker in Europe)

Edit: just clicked the link, smoking continues. Damn I miss Serbia.

(I once watched a guy at a Kafana struggling to decide whether to eat, or continue smoking. He ended up doing both simultaneously)

Number 1 reason I don't visit Serbia in the winter.

I was there last year and yes, smoking is still allowed in nearly every restaurant. It was lovely.

There's nothing lovely about it. Whenever I go to kafana, I get smoked so bad. That's why I usually go there only during the summer. Being outside makes the smoking situation somewhat bearable.

Berlin is still a smokers' paradise.

Authorities have said they're finally going to crack down on smoking in bars this year, but I don't believe it -- 15 years of being illegal hasn't made a dent and 1/3 of men and 1/4 women are smokers.

Regular russians are being forced to accept the consequences of their fellow compatriots raping, murdering, killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure, and all-round generic war-criming, multiple times on a daily basis for almost two years now.


I was living in Kyiv during the last Chernobyl fires (2020) - they were BIG.

There have been others - it's a very dry place in summer.

Russia is committing to a genocidal war, this is why they have sanctions against them.

They are literally state-sponsors of terrorism and they're funding privately operated terrorist groups.

Rapes, murders, destruction of civilian infrastructure, it's all well documented.


We've banned this account for using HN primarily for political battle. That's not allowed, because it destroys the curious conversation this site is supposed to be for.

Before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion: yes, this rule holds (and we enforce it) regardless of what your politics actually are. For more explanation see https://hn.algolia.com/?sort=byDate&dateRange=all&type=comme....

I realize it can be frustrating to hold minority/contrarian views, but it's not ok to vent that frustration in flamewars on Hacker News. We can't allow that, or this place will soon burn itself to a crisp.


Russian state policy is actually genocide: to freeze Ukrainians until they die enmasse.

That's why Russia is being sanctioned, there is no greater evil.


We've banned this account for using HN primarily for political battle, and for posting flamewar comments and ignoring our request to stop.

Regardless of how right you are or feel you are, or how bad others are or you feel they are, it's not ok to abuse HN like this. It does no good for anyone.


"UNHRC declared the US war in Iraq, Libya and Syria as war crimes".

No, they didn't.

(predictably, Kremlin apologists/supporters of genocide/whataboutists quickly resort to lies, every single time)


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/16/iraq.iraq "Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan"

Even if George Bush went around US punching everyone in their face and telling them that all the wars were war crimes, Americans would accuse him of being a Kremlin apologist.

I'm not American.

And, I'm capable of seeing more than one evil in this world.

> Where are your morals now?

Those wars were wrong, but the question is will you ever say that the Russians are wrong to be committing genocide in Ukraine, and torturing its civilians?.

I suspect you won't.

'bad guys' didn't need quotations.

What Russia and Russians are doing in Ukraine is pure evil.

They are well and truly the bad guys in this war - afterall, they started it.

I'm surrounded by left wing friends and acquaintances in Italy who truly believe that Russia is liberating their oppressed country-people in east Ukraine and that Ukrainians deserve what's happening to them because they voted Zelenski.

I'm a little depressed by how easy it seems for people to spin all this on its head.

It's not about the wing. You have to be brain-dead to believe in liberation when 6M+ refugees (out of 40M total population), good deal if not majority Russian-speaking, fled to Europe instead of just going where Russia wanted them to or staying in occupied areas.

The brain is often used to rationalize whateverideology wants.

Right leaning people I know naturally sympathize for Putin because they like his ability to decide what he wants; the allure of the strong man.

Left leaning people in Italy sympathize for Putin because they are so used at hating American imperialism that by definition whatever is challenging it (better if its natural old enemy) must be good!

It's often easy to conveniently select the facts that support whatever your bias is, and when you can't just throw some whataboutism and you're back safely in your worldview. On top of that you add your social media bubble that reinforces your position, feeding you with arguments that you can cherry pick.

I don't know but I find it very hard ti effectively counter that when discussing with people who hold such positions. (Insulting their intelligence doesn't accomplish much)

Challenge your friends at every opportunity - don't let it slide.

Across the border: Ukraine completely stopped alcohol sales for the first couple of months (approx) of the war. Bars* and restaurants were closed, markets would not sell alcohol to anyone.

* there was a single bar open in Kyiv - where the foreign journalists hung out.

Yeah, the first week's they were giving arms to everyone, I guess in desperation and anticipation of partizan war.

Then they found out that alcohol, guns and high stress situation are pretty bad deadly mix. Removing alcohol was easiest (as removing stress would require Russia to stop trying to destroy them).

I have literally called for the death of a well known politician on Facebook and Twitter. My posts still stand.

I'm against censorship - fortunately I'm calling for the death of a right wing politician, hence that's ok - as the internet is not so accommodating to those who lean right.

Or possibly, your post was overlooked. No-one is claiming that "100% of posts that fail to meet the rules are removed". How do you know that you weren't just "lucky"?

> as the internet is not so accommodating to those who lean right.

Keep an eye on https://twitter.com/facebookstop10 and you may change your mind.

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