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It's the bad one.

Stylus is the good one https://add0n.com/stylus.html

On iPhone 13 mini Safari it says I have the dev tools open. Only when I hide the toolbar it says „no“.

he has the files already, there is no need to download or re-rip. If he ripped them as ALAC (Apple Lossless) then he might want to convert them to FLAC though.

That's true.

To be honest, my comment arguably was a thread-hijacking: I was eager to take "re-rip the hundreds of CDs" literally because it's an excuse to remind the community that Soulseek exists.

I'm not involved with the project; it's just a gem on the internet which is gradually vanishing from the public consciousness.

> Yeah, absurdly the Search field on the left just queries stores.

That's only half true.

If you search something using that left search field, a button group on the top right appears where you switch between store and local library.

It's just that this button group is bugged and only appears on the first search. So if it doesn't appear restart Music.app and try again.

I hear it's fixed in Ventura though.

Ah, thanks for the correction.

What an embarrassing bug.

available for FireFox too: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clickbait-rem...

makes browsing YT sort of bearable

I didn't know about this controversy and checked Wikipedia[0]. Funny thing is, the first information is what it is called in German ("Prioritätsstreit"), indicating it's somewhat relevant in Germany and yet there is no German Wikipedia article about it.

There is a small segment in the german article about Leibniz[1] and even less in the German article about Newton[2].

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz%E2%80%93Newton_calculu...

[1] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottfried_Wilhelm_Leibniz#Prio...

[2] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton#Mathematik

"Prioritätsstreit" is just a german word for a priority dispute, i.e. the question who was the first to come up with calculus, not something to indicate that this would be a priority to the German volk. If my memory serves me right, Leibniz didn't much mind about the whole business.

but why write the german word for it in the english article if it isn't somewhat relevant?

Because Leibniz was German, and thus knowledge of the word's relevance to the topic might be useful in further reading?

No, the PR is based on another PR [0] which adds Apple Silicon and Universal Binary builds, the mentioned commit is part of that PR.

[0] https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/pull/5155/commits

about the short clips, try the browser extension "sponsorblock" it skips many of those.

For me Firefox stopped loading content mid-browsing. I thought it's some network issues and just did other stuff, a while later I realised every other app works. So I just restarted Firefox, and it worked.

No need to change any settings.

Well then just use a hardcoded one by default but allow the user to set one manually and then use that.

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