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> it has 4

A freaking eInk tablet with microphones what the hell lol

edit formatting...

They have a function for it. From TFA: "Capture detail in every meeting with audio recording and notes. Make a mark on your recording while taking notes, then tap on the mark to play the exact audio clip. Review your content more clearly and efficiently."

This is pretty clever. If I recall, the LiveScribe Smart Pen had/has this feature. You just draw some symbol and tap it, and it inserts a voice recording at that spot. Surprised this isn't standard on these products now.

I have a hisense eink pocket reader(5.84") and it has an eink refresh button. It's hisense's degoogled android(only support chinese and english and some menus have weird grammar).

But what's interesting is that if you hold the extra button it launches into a notes app which has dictation and unlike googles own dictation it does a pretty good job at capturing both chinese and english without needing to switch.

I didn't try it for longer than a couple of sentences, but in general it's an interesting idea. It does have a lot of very nice eink optimizations that other devices don't have.

Contrary to huawei however this device has a snapdragon and allows unlocking the bootloader. There is however no dev community around this device and I don't feel like fixing the headphone amp.


Does this actually fit in your pocket? Front or back?

I have a Kobo Mini with a 5" screen that's perfectly pocketable, but it's on its last legs, and the 2012-era e-ink lag is noticeable.

I have looked at modern options but they're all 6" minimum with a lot of bezel, which means they won't fit.

There's a few more obscure Chinese options. Xiaomi has the 5.2" Inkpalm 5 mini. Runs Android but you need to convert it to English yourself. Aliexpress also has random 4.3" eInk devices.

It’s fits well in mine and I’m not a big guy. Also I really like how well and fast it renders normal android apps.

One Note had something similar in the early 2000s, I'm not sure if they still expose it.

tldr; china

> Micro-USB (USB 2.0)

I love the idea of the phone but having micro-usb instead of usb type-c is IMO a substantial caveat. I do love the idea of a 'dumbed' down smartphone with a large battery capacity though...

EDIT Can it be true that the base model gets Bluetooth 5.0 but the range topping model C21 Plus only gets 4.2? Can someone enlighten my on the reasons for this?

Try Session [0]. Decentralized, no phone numbers and adding contacts is done by either sharing your ID or an QR-code. It works well but, at this time, only texting. Does have pretty apps for iOS/Android and most desktops OS's


EDIT grammar

Has session had a proper security audit anywhere?

Session is fantastic - definitely the best messaging system I have seen so far.

Signal in second place due to the phone number tracking and non decentralized status stated above.

Speaking of UX; what is up with the black bar at the top of HN?

When someone significant to tech in general dies, HN goes black for a while to mark their passing.. This one is for Lorinda Cherry of bc fame.

I see. Thank you.

Extremely cool project and execution but it (hardly) runs on my MBP M1 Pro, 16 GB with FF and a 350mbit/s up-down connection and no other tabs open. Actions (clicking, dragging scrolling) takes a full two seconds to happen... Would have loved to play around with it!

I have the same hardware and was also using Firefox, and I got decent performance (only briefly tried it out though). Maybe it is a settings/extension thing?

Not to start a war but iCalender has saved everything since I first started using an iPhone in 2013.

edit: Make that 2011

I'm in no way a "birder" nor nature enthusiast, but I'm always deeply fascinated by the size and lethality of these birds of prey. Death from above in the purest form.

Being a frequent on /r/thinkpads I was delighted to see a fellow ThinkPad enthusiast!

Can't remember how many TP's I've had over the years but I'll attest to the older models being solid laptops. The newer ones, however, are disappointing.

My last good ThinkPad was a T470s with an i5, 8GB, 256GB (UNIX/Windows). After several years of (ab)use, I wanted to splurge on a X1 Gen3 and the specs were more than enough for my needs with an i7 (hexa-core), 16GB, 512 GB, 1050TI, 1080p 400nits display. However, when I got it and started to use it hardware issues stared to pile up. I went back to my trusty T470s and sold the X1.

Now I have an MBP M1 Pro and it's great.

> In Europe you'll find people using WhatsApp or Telegram

For whatever reason, in my country, everybody use FB Messenger for the absolute majority of their texting. And by "everybody" I mean teenagers, young adults, parents and the elerderly.

It's only if you've had prolonged stays in other countries (or is exposed to international communication in other ways) that people will be familiar with WhatsApp and I'd guess that very few have ever heard of Telegram here.

Screenshot/OP was deleted :-/

How new is "new phone"? Maybe OP bought a second hand phone, and all these images have been left behind in the "Whatsapp Images" directory. Especially if it's pictures of local people, I would guess someone local sold this phone to the store and it didn't get wiped properly.

I've actually bought a new phone once and it had someone's list of phone numbers. It still looked pretty new, so I guess someone bought it, used it for a week or two and returned it. I was just annoyed at the scummy seller...

OP most likely realized their mistake and deleted the thread instead of owning up to it.

The thread was deleted by the OP, not removed by moderators (reddit visibly differentiates between the two)

OP replied in the comments why he deleted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/rxtl22/w...

TL;DR: he's an idiot.

A bit longer: OP went to a shop to get his phone repaired. Shop gave him a loaner phone, which had been used by many many people and apparently never wiped. OP set up Google backup on that phone and those photos got uploaded onto his WhatsApp backup. OP got a new phone, set up WhatsApp, and WhatsApp downloaded the pics from the loaner phone onto his.

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