One of the issues is probably that the weights in fuzzy or probabilistic relationships or properties are rather context-dependent, so they probably still more or less have the same problems as all general-purpose knowledge graphs: it's exceedingly difficult to explicitly model relationships so that they'd be both broadly generalizable and detailed enough to be useful for non-trivial reasoning.
I'm also not sure that fuzzy or probabilistic properties automatically translate into reasonable transitive properties or reasoning even if the individual weights are reasonable.
(Fuzzy logic is of course exactly about formal logic and reasoning in non-absolute terms, but the idea has been around for a long time and AFAIK largely superseded by probability.)
Not that I have any deeper idea about recent work in that area. I did a couple of years' stint in semantic web stuff back in the day, and weighted relationships were one of the obvious ideas for dealing with the rigidity of explicit relationships. They also came with obvious problems and at least back then my impression was that the idea wasn't actually as useful as it initially sounded.
But as I said, I haven't really been following the field in years, so there might have been some useful developments.
AFAIK the split into conventional/base and extended memory is largely a DOS concept.
It's of course based on the 8086 real mode being fundamentally limited to 1M and the 286 protected mode not being limited to that.
But if you divorce yourself from the DOS memory model, I don't think there's a fundamental need in protected mode to treat 0 to 640k (or <1M) differently from >1M, or for protected mode to have a concept of extended memory.
"One big block of 16-bit RAM" probably means the entire RAM (accessible in protected mode) addressed in 16-bit segments. If you wrote an OS that uses 286 protected mode and don't care about the DOS memory model, that's what you'd have, and there would be no need for distinguishing between "base" and "extended" memory once you've entered protected mode.
I'm not really that familiar with OS/2 so I don't know how exactly it handled the switch to real mode for the DOS session or what it did about keeping the rest of the memory separate from the <640k of the DOS session.
But in general the base vs. extended memory split is a DOS memory model thing.
Many PC BIOS implementations also reported base and extended memory separately in POST output for a long time but I think even that's just following conventions based on the DOS memory model.
The original comment was about running DOS programs under OS/2 1.0. The comment I replied to seemed to be under the impression that OS/2 didn't care about the DOS memory model, but of course it did, because it ran DOS programs in real mode.
But really calling memory above 1MB Extended Memory was just to differentiate it from Expanded Memory which was memory that was banked into the address space above 640k.
One study found that lonely people also engage in more imaginary conversations than those who don't consider themselves lonely. Perhaps ending up talking to oneself out loud is somehow related?
I have non-stop imaginary conversation. I think this might be backwards, you feel less the need to talk to real people if you're always talking to fake people IMO.
I am so confused how their corroborating charts indicate that sea ice is receding, yet they interpret it as a reversal and proof that warming / climate change is a myth.
EU as a whole has actually been weak in terms of military capability and perhaps also civil defence. The end of the Cold War and the long peace had allowed a lot of us to believe that there wouldn't be a foreseeable risk of military conflict or a need to seriously prepare against aggression. Many European countries cut back significantly on their military spending and capability. And that seemed like a reasonable and popular thing to do given the circumstances.
(Countries in Eastern Europe were perhaps the exception and didn't cut back, at least not so much.)
The problem is that defensive capability cannot be just built all of a sudden if it turns out to be needed after all.
Of course the reason that has become a problem is Putin's aggression and authoritarian rule.
But Europe has indeed been weak in the sense of not having maintained defensive capability. Perhaps that is, both fortunately and unfortunately, changing. (Fortunately for obvious reasons, unfortunately because it means significant spending on something that should not be necessary even though it is.)
Hopefully EU societies will remain strong and resilient in the sense they've been strong all along: strong civil society and democracy.
> Russia has enemies because for centuries it has attacked its neighbours repeatedly.
To be fair, historically Russia has also been a target of attacks and invasions repeatedly. (Generally not by the same smaller neighbours it has been attacking, of course.)
That history has nothing to do with the present-day conflict, though, except that it might be a part of what gives some Russians a feeling of being threatened. And Soviet-style aggression is of course just imperialism by any other name.
It did, but it was honestly quite limited in 16-bit mode, not only due to the (intentionally) limited scope of the OS but because the 16-bit addressing only allowed for a 64k code segment and a 64k data segment per process.
UNIX, designed and developed on the PDP-11, had similar per-process instruction/data space limitations until V6 and V7 were ported to 32-bit minis ca. 1977 and 1979, and was further constrained by the PDP-11's limited physical address space: 18-bit 1970–75, 22-bit 1975–, so a quarter of the 8086's and 80286's 20- and 24-bit address spaces, respectively.
As an aside, this reminds me of an amusing early example of a rough-and-ready configure-style script[1] included in the BSD source for the compress(1) utility, used to limit the maximum supported LZW code length based on an estimate of memory that will be available to the process[2].
Unity has some kind of data collection that can be used for analytics and advertising, so you might need to opt out of that in a Unity game. I think that came up in KSP as well.
I'm also not sure that fuzzy or probabilistic properties automatically translate into reasonable transitive properties or reasoning even if the individual weights are reasonable.
(Fuzzy logic is of course exactly about formal logic and reasoning in non-absolute terms, but the idea has been around for a long time and AFAIK largely superseded by probability.)
Not that I have any deeper idea about recent work in that area. I did a couple of years' stint in semantic web stuff back in the day, and weighted relationships were one of the obvious ideas for dealing with the rigidity of explicit relationships. They also came with obvious problems and at least back then my impression was that the idea wasn't actually as useful as it initially sounded.
But as I said, I haven't really been following the field in years, so there might have been some useful developments.