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> the site is perfectly functional and not a PITA to use.

Been trying to get an EIN and the site tells me to call a customer service number. The number has a wait time of 1hr+.

Oh also the site has "working hours" Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

that's fucking wild

Eric Weinstein has a reasonable voice here. Considering there is nobody that is a subject matter expert in these topics employed in these programs, this is just a wild goose chase from something more sinister they're doing with money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMJ4cbO88F4

that's hilarious

Riot has been taking Tyler1 seriously and even had him voice over for their preseason announcements. He's been collaborating with Riot a lot so not just a puny streamer.

This has been bothering for the longest time. I would love to learn more about efforts that are being taken to avoid these workarounds we have for certs expiring, dns issues and such.

A lot of website hacking could've been avoided with a better design like even having encryption as standard.

Well a lot of hacking could also be avoided if everything were just plain publicly-accessible static files. Which is what they're talking about with IPFS.

But that would be a very different web from today's, where most content comes from dynamic CMS/CMF, blog software, forum software, or other web apps. It addresses things like the old personal homepage of the mid-90s, but not much at all about the modern web.

It also doesn't address the major outages (like we've seen with cert revocations or DNS outages, etc.)

I think people are overlooking the fact that javascript and css is a hot mess to deal with. We need something like flutter that makes maintaining these easier.

Even the demo video was so slow

Notice the lag when dragging the tooltip!

It takes seconds for the tooltip to appear!

Being microsoft, wouldn't be surprised if they started deleting negative feedback.

You know, that's just gotta be a recording artifact. I'm playing with the tooltip drag/drop right now and it's instantaneous.

> Being microsoft, wouldn't be surprised if they started deleting negative feedback.

You know, you're entitled to your opinion. But negative feedback is just as important as positive feedback. Hell, there's probably no team in Windows that's as salty at the rest of the company as the Terminal team :P But I resent the opinion that we'd go out of our way to delete negative feedback. Constructive negative feedback is a real strong indicator that there's more work to be done. And trust me, there's lots of work to still be done.

Reading through Microsoft's responses to feedback about the slowness is depressing: "XAML is just like that". Between that and Casey's interaction over WT's performance, is it any wonder software keeps getting slower and fatter? The developers a big important IT company like Microsoft is hiring don't really have any knowledge, experience, or give-a-damn in the realm of making things not suck.

It's possible the demo-er was intentionally leaving pauses for the viewer to parse what was taking place.

It's also possible that PowerShell just takes a little while to load up the profile. That's why I stick with cmd.exe (within the Terminal of course, I'm not a barbarian) :P

PowerShell Core, especially, is an absolute dog to start up.

PowerShell can take thousands of milliseconds to start up on my shiny new computer.

Hold your breath for five seconds as it looks around for stuff.

you don't need docker if you're developing ruby/rails apps

AGI on classical computers? is this a joke?

I'm amazed with the amount of ignorance in this thread from people who've never run a restaurant yet alone run a business for that matter.

I am not shocked that employees of businesses with 70-80% profit margins based on knowledge barroning are ignorant to the economics of businesses with sub 5% profit margins.

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