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This is old news.

The reason nothing has changed is because LPs prefer their money goes to the bros.

But Soylent!!!

That doesn't explain Florida. The biggest days of protests nationwide were rained out in FL.

That Machiavellian treachery is essential to success in the US. In addition to investors, big successes must also play politics to avoid the crosshairs of the DOJ.

YC 2021: Syndicated Bribes, and Lobbying, for founders who can't stomach it.

Most tech companies get to tens of billions in valuation before they even think about government relations.

Not a single comment in this thread supports the employee.

There are few if you look around.

Sorry, too busy writing down everyone who doesn’t think “silence is complicity” just in case their resume comes by my desk someday.

HN crowd has lost my respect. Not from this instance alone. But as a culmination of years of inaction.

It gets much worse when you start using the less popular features, like group management.

Edit: it doesn't even work correctly using chrome without any ad blockers...

Haha, thanks for confirming. This is ridiculous for such a popular site. Maybe it is since Microsoft took over ;)

I've been heavily active, too active, on the site for over eight years.

It was always lousy, but it's getting worse.

Lastly, I manage groups with hundreds of thousands of people, and I can't get anyone on the phone for anything.

After the countless hours I've spent on LinkedIn, I'm now focussing my energy on ultimately moving away from the platform.

It's so disappointing that I don't want even to log in to see the mess. No joke, this week, my assistant told me "that thing that's been broken and annoying for months was finally fixed." That thing was merely "approving" content in the group moderation queue. Some posts simply wouldn't be approved...

My strategy used to be "build a community using LinkedIn groups."

Now it's "do everything to capture the value I already created in the groups by directing members off of LinkedIn."

It gets worse.

You can't trust their documentation. And I'm not talking about the API. Even information in their help section is factually inaccurate. And it remains published. When confronted, the issue will get escalated until someone comes up with a roundabout excuse for why the published information is correct, but not practically.

I knew better, but I still fell victim to the building on someone else platform problem.

Never again.

Currency for things that are currently intangible.

In defense of the devblogger, build-a-blog is like "hello world" for every web framework.

Well, but static articles shouldn't need a web framework in the first place.


Online classes at the same university cost more than in-person classes.

At least that's been the case atmoublic universities here in Florida for the last 10+ years.

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