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If anyone wants to see a recording of the demo, click on the "Boo!" link in the article to view its entry on the CSDb site. The blue sidebar on the right has a YouTube link.

The lines are used in drawing the edges of the cube. Is the new technique needed to achieve the framerate for the single spinning cube?

The new technique enables a bigger cube at full frame rate. From the article:

> “Apart from unlocking a number of improvements in XOR fillers and similar effects, the method, as used in the 4k, also significantly raises the bar for realtime filled sprite vector cubes. The cube displayed in "Boo!" draws over an area of size 172x172, up from 140x140 in Protogeo 100%. This improvement to size is because line computation that previously either took 7+ cycles per pixel (or exhaustive amounts of memory) can now, thanks to the BRR ("bit reverse rendered") line method, done in just 5 cycles per pixel.”

Here's the non-size-limited competition winner, for the curious. It's freakin' incredible - and 23 minutes!, but you can skip from 5m - 8m (I think extended for music):


Thanks! That's way too well hidden.

The biggest problem with MPG is its inverse nature makes it a bad unit to use to compare cars.

A 20 MPG car is not twice as efficient as a 10 MPG car.


L/100km has the length and volume units reversed, which allows comparisons.

A 20MPG (11.76 l/100km) car is twice as efficient as a 10MPG (23.52 l/100km) car though?

The issue is going from 30 to 20MPG is not the same change as going from 20 to 10MPG, where as the difference between 15 and 10, and 10 and 5 l/100km is the same absolute change.

> A 20 MPG car is not twice as efficient as a 10 MPG car.

Why not?

The page you linked doesn't talk about "twice as efficient", it talks about an absolute number of gallons saved per distance travelled.

Also, assuming there was no typo, vegardx's point was that "kWh/h per 100km" is invalid. "kWh/h" is the same as "kW", and "kW per 100km" (power per distance) is not describing vehicle efficiency, it's non-sensible. "kWh per 100km" (energy per distance) is.

I might be hung up on the word "illusion". The only difference between miles per gallon and gallons per mile is that the former increases and the latter decreases with efficiency. They are still saying the exact same thing.

"They are still saying the exact same thing."

They are but now I prefer .05 GPM to 20 MPG.

I do as well.

Everyone in the US it seems to like bigger numbers. Just look at the argument some people use to why some people prefer Fahrenheit over Celsius.

... is what I would say, but Tesla seems to be the only one using the sensible Wh/m or Wh/km. All the German ones use the nonsensical kWh/h per 100km.

In fairness, 0 being cold and 100 being hot is pretty intuitive. I would be curious to know how people raised on Celsius feel about Fahrenheit after having lived with it long-term.

Even if it's not trivial to solve perfectly, there are easy wins to be had.

For example: prevent changing the top-level category of a product. E.g. Shoes should not be allowed to become camera gear.

As always, the internet has already generated a counter example to your rule:


If their goal is to make their product listings useful, they wouldn't include that as a shoe.

It only means that either category is okay, not that it should be allowed to be changed.

But I don't think this restriction would fix all the issues where listing in the same category is swapped.

I like that "Spy Cameras Mall" and Spy Camera Small" work as ways to read the address.

Kind of like expertsexchange, back in the day

Categories on Amazon are basically meaningless. There are probably more miscategorized products on Amazon than ones in the correct category.

Most users just type into the search field, so they don't end up interacting with categories.

Version conflicts on shared transitive dependencies is a real problem, to the point that there are tools available to library authors that allow them to rename their dependencies to be under their own namespace to avoid collisions.

If two packages I require depend on incompatible versions of some third package, there aren't any easy ways for me to resolve it.

This problem exists because of the global nature of PHP namespaces.

People complain about the size of node_modules. I think Composer's approach to find a common set of dependencies that satisfy all version constraints keeps things lean.

I have encountered this once in my career, it’s pretty rare.

But the AI should not have learned to apply a Gaussian deconvolution kernel. If anything it should be applying a lens-based bokeh kernel instead. A true lens blur does not behave like a Gaussian blur.

They don't get an exact reconstruction of the original image. What happens if you apply Gaussian blur and then try to undo it with a bokeh kernel?

A mess.

A mess like in the OP https://imgur.com/ULVX933 or something worse?

(Just in case, original image https://imgur.com/PIAjVKp )

You certainly wouldn't be able to recover any detail this way (in fact, deconvoluting Gauss after taking a photo of the picture displayed on a computer screen won't give you any kind of sensible results either - try it yourself).

Yeah, The Cicada Principle[0] is a really neat trick. I remember it doing the rounds in web design circles back in the early 2010's


It looks nice in a lot of design contexts. I made a spinning progress indicator for an internal prototype at work in 2010 or so that had three concentric gear-like rings with rotations that were each a prime number of frames. It was less than 100 frames total, but was very unlikely to visisbly repeat any given arrangement of the rings before loading finished.

I tried this benchmark on both my desktop (Ryzen 5800X3D) and phone (Sony Xperia 1 IV)

    Windows => time/url=364.626ns
    WSL2    => time/url=234.915ns
    Android => time/url=252.276ns
This benchmark feels flawed to me, but I'm not qualified to speculate why.

I suspect that the browser you are using is not spec-compliant. Pseudo-elements (like ::before and ::after) are not actually present in the DOM and are therefore not selectable.

edit: I see that you are probably referring to the z-index of the ::before element overlapping the text, preventing selection.

It also shares a name with a prominent furry porn artist, as can be seen from the many NSFW results in Google images.

Uhhh... wow

Internet is a strange place

A simple function is to calculate whether the total of each RGB channel reaches a certain threshold, with different weights given to each channel. For an example, see the YIQ contrast function used by Bootstrap v4 [0].

WCAG defines their own algorithm for calculating the contrast between two colours to ensure good accessibility [1][2]. Bootstrap v5 uses this [3].

[0] https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/v4.6.1/scss/_function...

[1] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Relative_luminance

[2] https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G17.html#G17-tests

[3] https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/v5.1.3/scss/_function...

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