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This was mentioned in the "still room for improvement" section.

> It is important to recognize that CICERO also sometimes generates inconsistent dialogue that can undermine its objectives. In the example below where CICERO was playing as Austria, the agent contradicts its first message asking Italy to move to Venice. While our suite of filters aims to detect these sorts of mistakes, it is not perfect.

Bitwarden can generate TOTPs that get copied to your clipboard after filling the username and password box for a website. Usually all that's required is an extra ctrl-v and enter.

How are you sourcing the text for the videos? This search [1] grabs some results for my query, but it does miss this [2] video which contains the searched keyword multiple times, and the video's subtitles indicates as much.

[1] https://videomentions.com/search?channelUrl=https%253A%252F%...

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3denP7wX2XU&t=296s

VideoMentions scrapes the video page markup and pulls out the "baseUrl" for the English caption track. It converts that XML caption track into JSON, then searches it for keyword matches. You're right that this particular search for "toxic" should find several spoken word matches, but it doesn't. It seems like the tool isn't able to access the captions data for that video for some reason. I made a note of this bug, and I'll look into fixing it. Thanks for pointing it out, and for checking out VideoMentions Search!

yt-dlp [1] has command-line options to download only the captions of a video, in available languages, if you want to skip the scraping for the link.

I built something similar [2] for a slightly different use case. I wanted to be able to search through all Ram Dass talks in the 'Here and Now' podcast series on YT. I'm obviously not as skilled at CSS. :) And the display of timestamps is still a bit shaky, but for me it fulfills its purpose.

Since I'm able to preload all caption files ahead of time, I'm just using pcregrep for the search which does a pretty good job.

[1] https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp [2] https://ramdass-search.net

> I’m writing these in the truthful form, rather than stating the myth.

And it seems you overlooked the article. Anyone coming to the comments after reading the article can be forgiven for being confused by the reversal that happened here.

What do people here think of plotly when compared to matplotlib? I've read through some of the api documentation and have created graphs with the latter, but don't have much experience with plotly.

Personally, I find matplotlib far more intuitive. It's really easy to just get a plot from the repl in about 3 seconds. It also give you the kind of control you need to produce a publication style figure. But it is really limited if you want basic interactivity, like an informative tooltip. Plotly has much better interactivity. You basically get the tooltips and nice zooming for free. But plotly sucks when it comes to creating one off plots. The whole thing is tied to display in a browser, which I find incredibly annoying. If you aren't building a web page, and aren't using a Jupyter notebook, it's quite the pain.

It's really nice for exploring data. I find whenever I have ~5+ series on a single axis on mpl I start to struggle to differentiate colours & lines etc. I sort of addressed that by getting creative with dash styles etc, but still it's not ideal. Plotly is much more dynamic & I love the call outs etc. I do find it much less intuitive and less well documented than mpl and it's fussy about the shape of the data you give it. Maybe this new version improves on those things.

I'd love to hear more about what you found fussy in terms of shape of data... I've worked really hard to make Plotly Express as flexible as possible in terms of input formats (https://plotly.com/python/px-arguments/) and Graph Objects will eat pretty much anything list-like :)

Hey, thanks for the response - it was actually exactly what you seem to have addressed re the wide & long formats. I'm still using v4.1 and ended up writing my own reshapeForPlotly() function which just called the pandas melt function. Will update to v5 now which sounds like it will simplify things.

I think Plotly is great, btw! I use it a lot with streamlit for quick visualisations of big datasets. Thanks for your work on it. I always found the relationship between plotlyexpress & graph_objects confusing but the docs seem much more explanatory now than I remember from a year or so ago and the code snippets on the main plotly site seem much more abundant. Hopefully as it gets more widely used, the community support on stackoverflow etc will build too.

I mean long class names in Java in particular are pretty much a meme [1] because of how ridiculous they are. There is definitely a balance to be struck between succinctness and expressiveness.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3215736

> Americans hate on Microsoft and so deprived themselves of the best mobile phone OS of ever.

I don't think that's a correct assessment for most Americans' opinions towards Microsoft.¹ I also don't think that's the reason Windows Phone never took off. When compared to iOS and Android, Windows Phone just didn't have the app ecosystem to compel people to buy them.

1 https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/2/21144680/verge-tech-survey...

I believe the assessment to be true. Windows Phone was doing really well in Europe. It was Americans who refused to write those WP apps that were so desperately wanted.

Not even refused to write, refused to let them operate. Microsoft would have made apps for the major online services themselves, if they were allowed to. For example, they created a fairly decent Youtube app themselves but Google, owner of both Youtube and Android, simply refused it access to Youtube.

> Windows Phone just didn't have the app ecosystem

Which is also a shame cause currently we have a torrent of crap in both app stores and nobody really bothers. All WP would need today is Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, Telegram and Maps to succeed.

I haven't used an Iphone since the Iphone 6 (2014) and I just got an Ipad a few months ago and I was absolutely blown away that the app store is still as bad as it was in 2014. I still have to go to 3rd party websites to actually filter out and find tags and the GOOD apps/games that don't make it to the front page of the app store.

It's wild. Maybe I have the same problem on android and I'm just so used to only using the apps I've known for the last 10+ years that I haven't realized it. I don't really game on Android like I do my ipad, that's where I started to realize I was just not finding things unless I went 3rd party site or found their name and searched directly for them.

Does Iowa have a state law like this as well? I thought only New Hampshire had that law.

Since Iowa holds a caucus, not a primary, it does not apply to New Hampshire's law. Iowa's law says the caucus must be "[a]t least eight days earlier than the scheduled date for any state meeting, caucus, or primary that constitutes the first determining stage of the presidential nominating process in any other state." New Hampshire requires "7 days or more immediately preceding the date on which any other state shall hold a similar election." Apparently the caucus is not considered a similar election.

You can do something similar in chromium/chrome by using the `app` flag. I set jupyterlab to launch with

  chromium --disable-extensions --app=%s
which hides the URL bar and tabs, as well as disables any extensions. I'm sure it's possible to create a shortcut on Windows that does the same thing and place it on the desktop or what have you.

So maybe I missed it in the article, but it seems like they just tested a group of physically active students, and those who weren't. Does running have anything to do with the "functional connectivity" or is it just exercise in general? The article says we've known exercising is good for the brains of older people for some time now, the new study just tested the effects on younger people. Shouldn't the title be "exercise is good for the brains of young people too"?

I think part of the point is that even apparently-"mindless" exercise is now shown to also be good. See this paragraph:

> Previous studies have shown that activities that require fine motor control, such as playing a musical instrument, or that require high levels of hand-eye coordination, such as playing golf, can alter brain structure and function. However, fewer studies have looked at the effects of more repetitive athletic activities that don’t require as much precise motor control — such as running. Raichlen’s and Alexander’s findings suggest that these types of activities could have a similar effect.

fewer studies have looked at the effects of more repetitive athletic activities that don’t require as much precise motor control — such as running

Is it really true though that running doesn't require precise motor control? Every time I run, my feel "automatically" skip over imperfections in the road surface, placing my foot down early just before the big crack in the sidewalk, sidestepping the dog poop on the sidewalk, leaping off the curb while my eyes are focused on traffic.

And unlike the guy that plays golf where he's only focusing for a few minutes per hole, my feet are active for my entire one hour run and my mind is guiding my feet for 10,000 steps throughout the run.

It may be a different part of the brain than deciding how to hit a ball to reach a target 300m away, but there's still a lot of eye-foot coordination in running.

Great point. I was thinking that a great study to get at this could be comparing treadmill-only and outside-only runners.

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