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> Seems like it can't be disabled any more?

Try that checkbox: https://www.howtogeek.com/742678/how-to-turn-off-animations-...

> thanks to modern hardware, very little performance penalty

I would not call 1 order of magnitude performance penalty for accessing a local file system “little”: https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4197

Yeah, that's pretty bad. The fact that mounting the volume as a network share gets better performance is surprising and somewhat concerning.

However, what I was talking about performance-wise was the overhead of every system call. That overhead is gone under WSL2. Maybe it wasn't worth it for that reason alone, but original WSL could never keep up with Linux kernel and ecosystem development.

Being able to run nearly all Linux programs with only some operations being slow is probably still better than being able to run only some Linux programs with all operations being slow.

The problem with WSL1 was the very different file system semantics between Windows and Linux. On Linux files are dumb and cheap. On Windows files are smarter and more expensive. Mapping Linux file system calls on Windows worked fine but you couldn't avoid paying for that difference when it came up.

You can't resolve that issue while mapping everything to Windows system calls. If you're not going to map to Windows system calls then you might as well virtualize the whole thing.

I would add that on modern WinNT, Direct3D is an essential part of the kernel, see dxgkrnl.sys. This means D3D11 is guaranteed to be available. This is true even without any GPU, Windows comes with a software fallback called WARP.

This allows user-space processes to easily manipulate GPU resources, share them between processes if they want, and powers higher level technologies like Direct2D and Media Foundation.

Linux doesn’t have a good equivalent for these. Technically Linux has dma-buf subsystem which allows to share stuff between processes. Unfortunately, that thing is much harder to use than D3D, and very specific to particular drivers who export these buffers.

But why should Linux have an equivalent of such features?

Because modern world is full of computers with slow mobile CPUs and high-resolution high refresh rate displays. On such computers you need a 3D GPU to render anything, even a scrolling text, at the refresh rate of the display.

A 3D GPU is a shared hardware resource just like a disk. GPU resources are well-shaped slices of VRAM which can store different stuff, just like files are backed by the blocks of the underlying physical disks. User-space processes need to create and manipulate GPU resources and pass them across processes, just like they do with files on disks.

An OS kernel needs to manage 3D GPU resources for the same reason they include disk drivers and file system drivers, and expose consistent usermode APIs to manipulate files.

It seems Linux kernel designers mostly ignored 3D GPUs. The OS does not generally have a GPU API: some systems have OpenGL, some have OpenGL ES, some have Vulkan, some have none of them.

> Because modern world is full of computers with slow mobile CPUs and high-resolution high refresh rate displays.

And Linux does run on such computers. But it also runs on mainframes, and on embedded systems with no graphics whatsoever. And it runs on a much wider variety of CPUs than Windows does.

So for Linux, it's much more of a stretch to assume that the device looks something like a PC. And if it's not going to be there in a wide variety of situations, then should Linux really have 3D graphics as part of the kernel? (At a minimum it should be removable, and have everything run fine without it.)

Isn't that a somewhat myopic view of what Linux should be, especially considering that its by far largest install base is billions of Android devices?

Linux isn't always running on devices that have a direct human interface, but when it does, it is arguably the most important function.

Or a modern OS does what Linux does, expose DMI and let a userspace driver manage the GPU.

Why should a kernel have anything? Because it's useful and convenient, as the OP mentioned.

It _can be_ useful. It can also _not_ be useful to others. It sounds like it's not a choice in this case, but a forced feature, and that's fine for some and not for others.

So again, why _must_ Linux have an equivalent?

No one used the word must until you right now. The OP comment was posting a valid thing that Windows has that Linux does not. It’s fine if Linux doesn’t have it but I don’t understand where you’re coming from as presenting this as though someone said Linux must have this.

> Linux doesn’t have a good equivalent for these.

That implies Linux must or should have an equivalent to those features found in Windows -- you can choose any word you like, friend. There is no other reason to make that statement but to challenge the fact Linux doesn't have those options.

Fun fact: I switched to Kubuntu recently and I didn't even have to install a graphics driver. It was just there, just worked, and my AMD 7700 XTX is working fine and playing Windows "only" games via Proton just fine as well as Linux native games just fine.

I'm simply trying to get people to think about design choices and questioning or stating why one thing is better than another.

Dont read into the text too much, this doesnt imply what you are saying at all.

The reason to make that statement is to point out that there are differences in functionality.

Nobody in the thread said one situation was better than the other, until you did.

> Linux doesn’t have a good equivalent for these.

That literally does not imply a need for those features. It points out a thing that Linux lacks, which is true. And that's where it stops. You are projecting an implication that "Linux does need x, y, or z because Windows has X, Y, or Z."

We're not sitting in a thread talking about what makes Linux/Windows better than the other, we're in a thread talking about just factual differences between the two. You can talk about two things, compare them, and even state your own preference for one or the other without stating that each should do everything that the other can do.

E.g. snowmobiles are easier to handle while driving in the snow than a Boeing 737. I like driving my snowmobile in the snow more than I like taxiing a Boeing 737 in the snow.

We can talk about things without implying changes that need to happen.

This line of thought is precisely why Linux continues to falter in mainstream acceptance.

Windows exists to enable the user to do whatever he wants. If the user wants to play a game or watch a video, Direct3D is there to let him do that. If he doesn't, Direct3D doesn't get in the way.

This is far better than Linux's (neckbeards'?) philosophy of Thou Shalt Not Divert From The One True Path which will inevitably inconvenience many people and lead to, you guessed it, failure in the mainstream market.

Contrast Android, which took Linux and re-packaged it in a more Windows-like way so people could actually use the bloody thing.

Not to contradict but it seems to me that *nixes have always split user interaction and 'compute'. To them running a headless toaster is probably more valuable than a desktop UI.

> Windows exists to enable the user to do whatever he wants

It's very bad at that, then, considering it insists on getting in my way any time I want to do something (_especially_ something off of the beaten path).

> If the user wants to play a game or watch a video, Direct3D is there to let him do that. If he doesn't, Direct3D doesn't get in the way.

I don't see what the point you are trying to make is, this is no different on Linux. What does D3D being in the kernel have to do with _anything_? You can have a software rasterizer on Linux too. You can play games and watch videos. Your message is incoherent.

>I don't see what the point you are trying to make is

Parent commenter said Linux shouldn't have <X> if it's not useful for everyone, though more likely he means for himself. Either way, he is arguing Linux shouldn't have a feature for dogmatic reasons. Violating the Unix ethos of doing only one thing, or something.

Meanwhile, Windows (and Android) have features so people can actually get some bloody work done rather than proselytize about their glorious beardcode.

> Parent commenter said Linux shouldn't have <X>

I said no such thing! You've completely missed the point.

You said "why must Linux have" a feature that can be useful to some and not useful to others. Taking that to its strongest conclusion[1], you're saying Linux shouldn't have something if it's not useful to "everyone" and asking for counter arguments; this is not unlike the "Do one thing and do it well." Unix ethos.

Clearly, as demonstrated by history, most people prefer that their computers can and will do the many things they need or want with minimal finagling. That is what having DirectX inside Windows means, and why Linux which makes that a finagling option at best and flat out refuses as heresy at worst flounders.

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

> ... you're saying Linux shouldn't have something...

I said no such thing. You're taking a question and converting it into a statement in your own head.

Why must any operating system be designed with a 3D rendering engine compiled into it? It's just a question. I'm trying to learn. I've never once said it should or should not have the thing, I'm asking why would it need it? Why should it have an equivalent to Windows' implementation of such a thing? What do I gain? Is that always a good design choice? Is that true of Windows Server, and if so, why do I need 3D rendering baked into my Windows Server? What about Windows Server Core... does the NT kernel have it baked in there?

Here's what you said again for reference:

>It _can be_ useful. It can also _not_ be useful to others. It sounds like it's not a choice in this case, but a forced feature, and that's fine for some and not for others.

>So again, why _must_ Linux have an equivalent?

That is very different from simply asking why Linux should have a "Direct3D" built in like Windows does Direct3D.

>What do I gain?

To answer this again and more in-depth this time: A central, powerful subsystem that can be assumed to exist. We can assume Direct3D is and always will be available in Windows.

One of Linux's biggest problems is you can't safely assume anything will exist, in particular cases not even the kernel. This is the reason containers were invented, because you need to bring your own entire operating environment on account of being impossible to assume anything. The cost for this workaround is performance and complexity, the latter of which most users abhor.

>Is that always a good design choice?

Yes, it enables users thereof.

> Is that true of Windows Server, and if so, why do I need 3D rendering baked into my Windows Server? What about Windows Server Core... does the NT kernel have it baked in there?

If the server is a media server, say, having DirectX means the server can do encoding and decoding itself and that's something many people want.

Windows itself also needs Direct3D for rendering the desktop, which Server also obviously has.

There is next to no practical cost for the user.

I don't get it. You mean people can't watch videos or play games in Linux?

I'm using Linux right now, and sadly I only have access to an 80x30 black and white terminal. I'm writing this comment as a raw HTTP request to this site. Send help. I just need colour and at least 1024x968... please help! I wish I could watch videos!

> If the user wants to play a game or watch a video, Direct3D is there to let him do that. If he doesn't, Direct3D doesn't get in the way.

I _just_ moved from Windows 11 to Kubuntu. None of that stuff is missing. In fact, unlike Windows 10/11, I didn't even have to install a graphics driver. My AMD 7700 XTX literally just worked right out of the box. Instantly. Ironically that’s not the case for Windows 10/11. This isn’t a “My OS is better than your OS” debate — we’re talking about why D3D being integrated into the kernel is a good idea. I’m playing devil’s advocate.

And thus, you missed my point: "Why should Linux have an equivalent to Direct3D" isn't me arguing that Windows having it is bad, it's me asking people to think about design choices and consider whether they're good or bad.

> This is far better than Linux's (neckbeards'?) philosophy of Thou Shalt Not Divert From The One True Path which will inevitably inconvenience many people and lead to, you guessed it, failure in the mainstream market.

If you think Windows having Direct3D "built in" is why it has mainstream dominance, then you potentially have a very narrow view of history, market timing, economics, politics, and a whole range of other topics that actually led to the dominance of Windows.

>I _just_ moved from Windows 11 to Kubuntu. None of that stuff is missing. In fact, unlike Windows 10/11, I didn't even have to install a graphics driver. My AMD 7700 XTX literally just worked right out of the box. Instantly. Ironically that’s not the case for Windows 10/11.

How did you install a driver on windows if your gpu didn't work out of the box?

I'm sure Windows is perfectly capable of driving a GOP framebuffer. That doesn't mean the kernel has an actual GPU driver.

It will also install a proper driver with windows update, can also do that during the installation.

No. That's not true. It does not do that. I've reinstalled Windows 11 several times to resolve issues or try these kinds of things out. It has never offered to download an AMD driver for me. This is false.

> No. That's not true. It does not do that.

Windows 10 can 100% download and install an nVidia proprietary driver for hardware it finds.

Indeed I inadvertently trapped it in a boot loop by fitting 2 dissimilar nVidia Fire cards with different GPU generations. This works on Linux if you use Nouveau but not with nVidia drivers.

Win10 lacks an equivalent of nouveau. It booted, detected card #1, downloaded and installed a driver, rebooted, the card came up; then it detected card #2, which wasn't working, downloaded and installed a driver, and rebooted.

Now card #2 initialised but #1 didn't work. You can only have 1 nVidia driver installed at a time.

So, Windows downloads and installs the driver for card #1... reboots... #1 works, #2 doesn't... download driver, install, reboot...

The only way to interrupt this is to power off and remove one card.

When I replaced both cards with a single AMD card, it downloaded the driver and everything worked.

You are wrong. Source: my own personal direct experience.

Windows update doesn't install a proper driver?

Does it download an official AMD driver? No. It hasn’t ever done for me across hundreds of Windows installs across hundreds of devices.

Windows Update can and will grab most third-party drivers for your hardware if you let it, this includes video card drivers from Intel, Nvidia, and AMD.

Yes it does. I even need to disable my iGPU that my Ryzen has so it does keep downloading the driver.

Now you're just being childish and lazy :)

Just playing devils advocate.

For old-school software developers 4*8 is easy because both numbers are powers of 2. I compute expressions like that as 2 ^ ( log2(4) + log2(8) ) = 2^(2+3) = 2^5

It seems the demos are just broken. I'm getting this error:

WebGPU error [frame][validation]: Fill size (7160950) is not a multiple of 4 bytes. - While encoding [CommandEncoder "main-frame-cmd-buffer"].ClearBuffer([Buffer "rasterize-sw"], 0, 7160950).

> Arm32 has been discontinued

.NET 9.0 preview still includes ARMv7 builds for Linux: one based on glibc library, another one for Alpine.

I also frequent some Russian forums. I have an impression that on average, Russians don’t blame Putin for starting the war against Ukraine. They hate him for being unable to win the war he started.

They don’t seem to oppose crimes committed by their government. They believe the main reason their country in deep shit is western military aid to Ukraine, and international sanctions against Russia.

> The one I notice the most is the filesystem

I’m not sure it’s the file system per se, I believe the main reason is the security model.

NT kernel has rather sophisticated security. The securable objects have security descriptors with many access control entries and auditing rules, which inherit over file system and other hierarchies according to some simple rules e.g. allow+deny=deny. Trustees are members of multiple security groups, and security groups can include other security groups so it’s not just a list, it’s a graph.

This makes access checks in NT relatively expensive. The kernel needs to perform access check every time a process creates or opens a file, that’s why CreateFile API function is relatively slow.

I've been trying to use auditing rules for a usage that seems completely in scope and obvious to prioritize from a security point of view (tracing access to EFS files and/or the keys allowing the access) and my conclusion was that you basically can't, the doc is garbage, the implementation is probably ad-hoc with lots of holes, and MS probably hasn't prioritised the maintenance of this feature since several decades (too busy adding ads in the start menu I guess)

The NT security descriptors are also so complex they are probably a little useless in practice too, because it's too hard to use correctly. On top of that the associated Win32 API is also too hard to use correctly to the point that I found an important bug in the usage model described in MSDN, meaning that the doc writer did not know how the function actually work (in tons of cases you probably don't hit this case, but if you start digging in all internal and external users, who knows what you could find...)

NT was full of good ideas but the execution is often quite poor.

From an NTFS auditing perspective, there’s no difference between auditing a non-EFS file or EFS file. Knowing that file auditing works just fine having done it many times, what makes you say it doesn’t work?

It's much easier to work with source code where most things, including low-level details, have good names.

You only write code once, but if the software is long-lived, different people will read that code for years to come, doing support, maintenance, and adding features.

I ported inference of couple open-source models from Torch/Python/CUDA into D3D11 compute shaders which runs on all 3D GPUs not just on nVidia.

Whisper was the first, but I can’t say I’m happy because too much complicated C++ https://github.com/Const-me/Whisper

For Mistral I decided to rely on C# as much as possible and I like the result much better https://github.com/Const-me/Cgml/

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