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Loved this bit of personal history! And great the the club is still going. But... surely a ham sandwich would have suited the occasion?

Edit: Just realized it may have been a Jewish deli which would clearly have precluded that option!

I think he means Lefkofsky’s, and if so, yeah, Jewish deli. They got bought out about 20 years ago.

You are correct, a Google search failed me sadly. I have had corned beef sandwiches around the world but LefKofsky's is still the best I ever experienced.

Eastern Market was amazing in those days, you heard fifty different languages being spoken, the aisles were so crowded and it was Detroit at its peak of prosperity.

Then their school gives them a tablet because math on paper is old fashioned. But I agree

The Green Revolution, vaccines, and space exploration have been pretty great.

Literacy too!

Sure, but they’re also outbidding me for a house.

Are you trying to get in a "good school district" ? Is that really that strongly correlated to kids outcome in life .

kids grow up and fight for a house in good school district :).

I feel like having kids is root of all evil. Ppl justify all sorts of things (like wars and bidding for houses) and say that they are doing those things for sake of their kids.

>…having kids is the root of all evil.

Quite a take there. Kids are also the source of all joy and happiness, depending on how you look at it.

Yea I agree. I have kids too :)

But they are also the source of global warming, wars. On a personal level they a source of anxiety, continuous striving, jealousy and fear.

No, but I want to live somewhere my kids have the freedom to bike and walk around town safely.

Anyway, I just took a job helping get more houses off gas and on heat pumps, which is aligned with my goal to be part of addressing climate change, but it is hard to get a house near work (in Amsterdam in this case) when not optimising for pay.

> No, but I want to live somewhere my kids have the freedom to bike and walk around town safely.

Hmmmz, kids can do that practically anywhere in NL (and have good schools). Except maybe in parts of the big cities.

Countryside is both cheaper, safer, and the air is healthier. But don't go too rural. Because then wolves will get your kids for breakfast.

The problem with too rural is the people, not the wolves. You’re right though, and it’s why we moved to NL.

I was mostly thinking of back when I was in California to be honest. Though recently when I had to decide between a four or five day work week the biggest factor was “will I be able to outbid other people who want the same house”

As far as schools, I’ve been underwhelmed. They have kids on tablets a lot, shove a tv in front of them for lunch, and have rapidly declining PISA scores.


yes exactly!

"This could destroy your marriage and your family." seems like a good intro.

I still remember getting paged when I was explicitly NOT on the pagerduty rotation at my tenth anniversary dinner with my wife. Ruined the whole day. And I wasn't making particularly good money.

If you aren't free to do what you want, you should be getting paid like you're at work.

Did you have to ACK that? I don’t mean to be dubious, but sometimes I worry that the nature of this discussion forum amplifies the issue because commenters are disproportionately likely to act on the work instead of “I didn’t have my pager device.”

Funny that most companies have no problems with outsourcing roles, but for some reason many expect on-callers to be available outside business hours. They could easily hire someone on the opposite time-zone.

> If you aren't free to do what you want, you should be getting paid like you're at work.

You should be paid 2x - 3x when you're working overtime.

In addition to making everything you buy cost more, it also leads to lots of people buying a lot of things they don't really need (or want, after the rush of buying another piece of crap wears off)

Yes. Someone should research the effect of banning ads on the health of our planet.

Eh, I have found it useful when checking out cities to move to

What do you look for when using this to decide where to move?

Looking at cities near me, I see things like "suburban kids trying to be urban", "we cute here", and "stroller mommies who brunch", alongside some racist stuff. I'm not sure how to use that information when making a life-changing decision like moving to a new city.

Bakfiets moms, International School kids, wannabe TV stars, hipsters, tourists are all useful signals. I'm an international parent who ride a bakfiets and likes art but does not want to be a tv star :-)

Those are all funny and somewhat useful. What’s the issue?

>What’s the issue?

Of those three examples I gave? No issue at all, why do you think there is one?

>and somewhat useful.

I don't see how they are useful when deciding on where to move. Can you explain how you find them somewhat useful in the context of moving cities? How are you factoring in "we cute here" into your relocation decision?

The data is a bit stale but this site is great and seems to have checked out well for the cities I've lived in or visited a lot (Dublin, Utrecht, etc.)

With wei/attestation and every site I go to begging me to log in with Google (and only Google) just to use it, it’s clear anonymous browsing will be dead soon.

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