Oh man, I did the same thing and very much regret it. It's like I gave away a important part of my childhood. When I have the time I'll buy another one and probably just fiddle around with it. Play all the old games I used to like too I guess.
Does anyone know if this would include plastic lids on glass containers? or a plastic cover to stop whatever you're heating from splashing all over the microwave?
Must say I'm a little surprised with many of the comments from a tech focused site/forum like this one. I find that Android is a far more open system with a great community that rewards the inner hacker (no matter how much of a novice they may be).
I have a Samsung Galaxy S4, it is still a very usuable phone and is running a modern android version and gets regular updates. Sure it is a bit slow and I had to flash a custom rom (/e/os) but that is not hard to do.
This phone is now almost 10 years old, but still gets updates and can run most apps. I don't think this can be done with an iphone.
Android is more customizable for sure but the default behavior does matter and the default state of android devices almost invariably feels advesarial and cheap.
Bloat wear, ugly launchers, horrid camera apps, all sorts of dark pattern.
Used to be that nexus devices offered a no BS android experience but having just switched to a pixel I feel like these days are gone too
yes it is /e/os getting updated but it is still android and I thought that most people here would be up for changing between the flavors rather than just sticking with the original.
I don't stay with the original OS on my PC why would I do the same with my phone. If my original PC OS stops getting updates I change to a newer one. I figured most here would be used to that.
Uber, that I can remember. Didn't like the micro g aspect, but I hear that may have changed. Also banking apps but I don't use those myself.
For me, I think that’s actually part of why I stay away from Android. I tinker and whatnot with my open systems and it often leads to various forms of slight incompatibilities or instability. I rely on my phone to work consistently, and for me that’s meant staying with a more closed off ecosystem to protect me from myself.
I think it's wrong to assume its just speculation. Lebanon is a troubled country, and if I've heard correctly their local currency is inflating. So they could just be trying to protect their savings (earned from their labor in many cases no doubt) from being devalued. Perhaps they also want it protected by government confiscation. The might also just keep their funds in USD stable coins (tether is not the only one).
I don't see why early detection means early treatment. What if after detected, the illness is monitored instead. If it then gets to a point where the treatment is no longer considered risky for the stage of the illness, then the treatment can proceed.
It would also give the person the opportunity to change lifestyle to perhaps prolong the time that the illness will become a problem, or perhaps halt its progress altogether.
Additionally, the person who is aware of such illness, can keep an eye out for symptoms related to it, that might otherwise be ignored as something else. At which point normal cancer treatment can progress.
This is a tricky bit. There is a lot of interplay here between medical professionals and the general public, and not all of that is either rational or ethical. But absent symptoms non-treatment is better than treatment.
Data about unnecessary procedures is relatively plentiful, which is of course sad, whether that's driven by commercial incentives or the need for 'something to be done' is not something that I have any grip on but it certainly is problematic.
Be sure to check the hash with the link provided in comment from dartharva's. Hint, it checks out.