That's fair. I didn't realize Lua was also a prototype language as I've barely looked at it. Been curious but it never fit my current set of curiosities.
What's the problem with jpackage for, say, shipping Windows binaries?
I just let it package a "portable" (no need to install) directory of all dependencies and that's it. Users just download a ZIP and can use my programs.
The whole idea of using Java is to support something other than Windows. I use a Mac and all companies I worked with had all common OS's on desktops. The edge cases are the problem. This isn't a product for other engineers. At least not engineers who have experience with JVM conflict issues.
For end users and to get a smooth installer experience there's a huge distance. Customizing the installer in the packager is a nightmarish problem... Or at least it was the last time I did it.
I can't use jpackage on Windows to build Mac binaries, but not having FX installed is what kind of problem? Just use jpackage to create an .app for Mac, an installer or portable build for Windows, and a .deb or executable binary for Linux. It bundles all dependencies and users can just click and run it.
That's indeed what we do in our CI but it gets very hairy and the end result is often subpar in nuanced ways. E.g. signing a bundle which required us to upgrade our whole CI infrastructure because we had to move to a newer VM.
The bundle is huge because it needs to include a JRE and JavaFX. The install process and bundle building is complex. Especially with signing. And you need to do it all for every platform.
Imagine needing to announce your "departure" from a community.
> Bjarne looked me up and down, put on a face of disgust, and walked away.
Sure you aren't projecting? To the author of this article, you need to get some help not hiding behind "I have OCD." The way you sound is really off-putting.
Sorry if this sounds hard, but you have some form of narcissism that in the end only hurts you more. Drop your pride.
Sounds like the author is getting help already. Starting with the diagnosis. Receiving a diagnosis that you have a personality disorder is not an easy pill to swallow. It also doesn't fix anything, but it helps explain past behavior.
Narcissism may also play a role but as a personality disorder it is incredibly difficult to manage and find support for.
Saying "drop your pride" to someone that you suspect of having NPD doesn't seem any more helpful to me than saying "just stop having obsessive thoughts" to someone with OCD. Besides sounding harsh, this attitude is probably not very useful or effective.
Imagine realizing you wasted a decade of your life in the false hope of making a difference, but couldn’t because of a dysfunctional community dynamic… I can’t because I haven’t done that, and perhaps you can’t either.
It may read this way to you but that’s the nature of blogs. They’re public diaries. Narcissism is often part of the medium itself.
The problem is she had specific ideas of what would make C++ better, and when 500 smart people are in the room there will be people who disagree. I've seen a lot of what I thought were good ideas get shot down when someone else brought out an objection I hadn't though of. Sometimes someone listens to the objection, spends a couple years of rework, and the process repeats a few times until the objections are satisfied, or at least the majority agree they are worth ignoring. This is not easy, but it is a required part of making them useful. Anything else just adds more inconsistencies until C++ is completely unusable.
Many people cannot handle it and think it is the C++ community being obstructionist when in fact it is just that we all have different needs, the only thing in common is we need a language that we can use for our problem so you better not mess that up.
That would be true, except large parts of the current C++ process are broken. The process advocates for papers, biasing towards people with personal quests and a lot of free time. I had many (informal) objections to <random> while it was in the standards process, but since I didn't have time to write a paper, the library got waved through in its broken state.
Completely agreed, but sometimes blog posts by ordinary writers end up on the front page here, and it’d be good to consider that maybe they weren’t expecting tens of thousands of people would read it. In this case I think it pays to cut the author some slack and sympathize a bit.
The author has clearly had a rough time, and there’s no need for an internet pile-on. At the very least it’s not constructive and needlessly personal to label the author a narcissist as in the top level comment I’m responding to.
Maybe the ability to “make a difference” while being disconnected from the community enough to not see the dysfunction is the dysfunction.
I’ve never fully understood the languagism stuff and I have openly mocked “… considered harmful” but maybe languagism should be considered harmful. Seriously, if you like writing software, isn’t the tooling a medium? Bad tools is no fun but you can still make software, you can solve problems, you can see it work, that’s what it’s about, right?
> Imagine needing to announce your "departure" from a community.
If you're active enough in a community that you'd need to explain something multiple times to multiple close contacts then isn't it the most efficient way to do it?
Contributing to the spec, creating a very widely used set of CMake utilities, and being a widely enjoyed speaker not enough for you?
With the condescending airquotes and demeaning comment, one might think you had done some research. Clearly you hadn't. A Google search can tell you all of this.
> "Contributing to the spec, creating a very widely used set of CMake utilities, and being a widely enjoyed speaker not enough for you?"
No, this is clearly not enough to get shit accepted into the C++ standard. As evident by the fact that none of OP's ideas made it into the standard. Why should any of that matter?
I'm sure OP is not alone here, by the way. I submit there must be thousands of amazing ideas proposed by amazing people that don't end up being accepted into the standard for a myriad of reasons. Get over it.
this is just from wikipedia for context:
"Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a cluster C personality disorder marked by an excessive need for orderliness, neatness, and perfectionism."
Comports with this in my opinion. Having known some people who were called "Type A personalities" who tend to be great at metrics and goals but not always so great emotional intelligence. Narcissism is common etc. This is the kind of person who will fixate on an uncleaned toilet or rattle in their car for weeks, losing sleep.
Recalling one person I've known with these traits, she sounds a lot like this person. After a couple of decades and seeing her raise a family has convinced me she is indeed Human, if she had gotten therapy things would be a lot different. She's much more pro-social, though she also didnt really maintain her friendships but she definitley never had a career with walls of compiler warnings to ignore. That might have killed her.
Closing her blog, Izzy expresses a deep frustration and lack of any derived meaning from what she had viewed as her purpose (c++ I suppose) as well as a general feeling of isolation. If you are feeling some shadenfreud about this for some reason, its clear she is very unhappy. It doesnt seem particularly rational to view languages this way. My impression is that this person is probably in distress and depressed. If this were my friend I would be making phone calls.
Izzy: Good luck, lady. C++ is hard, but so is life. Keep looking for that purpose. If you happen to read here, I suggest volunteering at an animal shelter. Just working on something less demanding and quite possibly more rewarding is a great therapy break, as you've found from your Ops position. You are well positioned to tackle this.
You are cherry-picking the best experience one can have on macOS, and contrasting it with the worst experience on Windows. This way it just sounds like comparing in bad faith.
There is plenty of Mac software that requires an installer and Uninstaller, plenty of off-behaving applications that put stuff directly into ~ or ~/Documents, and even those that install some internal executables into /usr/local/bin.
You can have an equally pleasant experience on Windows (after all, this is about portable apps...). There is "mature" software whose installers will just override (update) the existing application (e.g. Anki, Affinity apps), %APPDATA% is your Application Support folder on Windows (if only more software would use it), and then there's also the slightly new .appx packaging with a clean way of uninstalling. No one hinders you to just download portable apps directly from the vendor and putting it into C:/Applications, if you want that.
If there is an odd one out, it would be Desktop Linux.
It was foreign, but they sinicized and they claimed to be representatives of Chinese civilization, so in the course of history it was eventually accepted that they were legitimate successors. This is in contrast to imperial Japan, which explicitly did not claim to be a successor of Chinese civilization, which was one of the reasons why they continued to be viewed as foreign.
I love Nim's syntax, but is there a specific reason why e.g. the SFML binding cannot imitate C++ RAII approach of handling resources? There is .close everywhere.
Destruction used to be nondeterministic in Nim. Right now though, if you use the ARC/ORC instead of the default GC (ORC will be made the default GC soon) you can have RAII for reference types (RAII is available for value types by default, just write a destructor for your type).
SFML binding probably will be updated to use RAII when ORC is made the default GC.
You have no idea what you are talking about. You can install any kind of distribution by copying over their rootfs. For example, I am running Void Linux on WSL2.
* It seems you decide whether to execute a file by its extension, e.g. `.php`
* You are complaining that Windows is stripping away spaces, so `.php ` becomes `.php`
* And supposedly this could lead the file being served as static text if you didn't have a Windows workaround?
It rather seems to me that POSIX accepting `.php ` as a filename, and this not being picked up by a `.php` check is problematic here.