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Yes, this is what I do as well. 5pm hits I shutdown the machine unless I'm just dead in the middle of something that I cannot step away from, which is extremely rare. Then I usually just go play with my kids or talk to the mrs. I found not checking your smartphone helps as well, just put it on the shelf somewhere and leave it on vibrate and don't check it again for 3-4hrs.

We work to live, not live to work. Shutdown the computer and go do something else and engage with your family (if you have one.) If you don't have your own family then I could see how this would be more difficult for some people.

Christian 'revolution'? What nonsense. The missionaries were never interested in revolution (not in the modern sense at least), but converting people to Catholicism. St. Bede's History of the Church in England is a good example. Or the life of St. Boniface. The term "Dark Ages" was coined by anti-Christians to undermine the conversion of Europe to the Catholic faith.


You can run your own private server and private federation. You don't have to federate with Matrix.org, you can make your own company federation, or hobby or whatever and federate with others. It's fully encrypted and has web based, desktop client based and mobile app support from multiple different clients. Riot is the most popular and what we currently use. Has amazing VOIP integration. It'll run easily on a low-tier linode VPS.

It's about the closest thing to Discord we could find that, and it's way, way more secure.

> Has amazing VOIP integration.

I was never able to get this working!

not me :D

Look up Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Youtube. Medicamentum Authenticam.

Still holy people today. St. Hildegarde even made the prophecy that people during our time would long for their days based on the visions she had. I have read a good bit of her writings, they're utterly fascinating. St. Thomas Aquinas is my confirmation saint btw.

No one should contact that terrorist eugenics organization. They're diabolical.

Can't say this is really a bad thing, Yelp has had blackmail and predatory business practices a long time and should be shutdown on that alone. It's amazing to me they haven't been sued into oblivion yet.

Define what you mean by "fair". It is Mozilla's (right) opinion that Facebook is a hugely corrupt corporation and entity, the technology itself doesn't just work on Fedbook, they just use Fedbook as their prime example.

I use it exclusively in my environment. Most people don't understand what exactly it does, but it's not like your traditional SAN/Host configuration.

Not sure what you mean by services included, there is an exclusive simplivity support team. They will have a blade offering at the end of the year based on my meeting with HPE Simplivity back in December.

It's somewhat difficult to explain, but it's essentially deduplicated and compressed bit level server hardware that shares storage in a vSAN like configuration but it replicates blocks.

So say you have 10 RHEL VM's, with only 100mb of unique data varying across the 10 VMs. Since those VM's all match in terms of block data, that storage space is not taken up, only the unique data is. This block level matching means you have a super high efficiency in terms of storage use. So even though all those VM's look like they take up say 10gb of storage each, in reality those 10 VM's combined are only using 11gb of data because that first 10gb is static read blocks that are essentially co-shared by the VM's since it's the same and the other 10x100mb is unique. I hope that makes sense. This also enables super, super fast backup and recovery. It is amazing technology and faster than any traditional backup system I've ever used. I can restore a VM back to say 12AM yesterday in as little as 3 seconds and auto power it back on.

I would really encourage you to speak with a Sales Engineer as they can explain it more detail.

I currently have 6 hosts in my environment and it's amazing if you want tons and tons of VM's that do not host a lot of unique data. If you have large data-sets of unique data it is still really useful, but I would just encourage people who have those large datasets to look into purchasing a traditional SAN. But in terms of efficiency, nothing compares. It is amazing.

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