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What happened to wox launcher?

it's being rewritten in Go

I want this but let me upload a file first.

So, being FULLY tracked by every website ever, on every device at the same time, since all your data is whatever wallet you use across devices anyway, is now a good thing?

You're not wrong. Privacy mechanisms still need to be designed and implemented. There is much research, particularly in the landscape of zero-knowledge proofs.

Only you (or anyone who has access to your private key) can access your data.

The ponzi schemes ran by governments are ultimately run as a benefit to your retirement, and most importantly, you can overthrow a government.

you make it sound so easy...

why not just waltz into Russia, tell Putin and pals to leave and replace them with kind, competent, generous leaders?

> Nowaadatys the iPad is also pretty much a PC

This is completely untrue and the fact that people think being able to connect a mouse and keyboard make it a PC is appaling.

The complete OS experience is terrible for anything other than the most absolute basic tasks, and there is not hardware way around that.

YMMV and you do need to change your habits a bit, which is anathema to the HN crowd.

"It can't run my custom i3wm setup and doom-emacs and I can't even cargo install stuff on it, completely unusable!"

I could, and have, done my work just with an iPad and an external keyboard. Blink shell[0] to SSH into a remote environment. VS Code or a similar browser-based editor for code[1].

Of course a full 16" laptop would be better, but before the M1 the battery life was nothing near what the iPad could bring.

[0] https://blink.sh [1] https://vscode.dev

So then you're still using a PC, but remotely

Cloud a.k.a Someone Else's Computer, yes =)

The difference is that I'm not lugging around a huge power hungry CPU.

> The complete OS experience is terrible for anything other than the most absolute basic tasks, and there is not hardware way around that

Your opinion. If my work laptop dies, I’ll likely requisition an 12.9 IPad Pro with cellular as a replacement, and with my iPad Pro 10.5 for personal and will be the happiest person on this earth. It’s just the best and most trouble free device/computer I have owned and used in over 45 years of using all manners and flavors of personal computing devices.

Why would I EVER even want that? Windows on phones is dead and tablets/hybrids are perfectly able to display the regular UI in a usable way.

Nobody sane would, but this taskbar rewrite was started for Windows 10x and that was the modus operandi for it. Then during yet another fundamental internal change in direction it got foisted on the desktop OS, and then they got told to ship it six months before it was finished, so we've ended up with this mess.

I use InoReader, its essentially google reader in all the ways that (used to) matter

Dropbox paper is amazing though if you need to create an "easy to collaborate that look decent" document. And it does not affect in anyway your experience with the "cloud sync" functionality

I'm just going to point out that if you kid was 2-3 years old, both you and your wife would be having a VERY different experience. A newborn mostly eats and sleeps. A toddler will tear your house appart, constantly interrupt you, call for you (usually lowdly), etc.

Those are not comparable experience, the month I spent at home when my kid was born was spend playing MMOs most of the day, now I cant have 5 minutes alone unless the TV is on 24/7 (wich is terrible, also).

I have done the WFH with a 2/3 years old, and my experience wasn't all that different than the comment you're responding to. Even children that young respond to boundaries.

Don't forget the horribly loud air circulation system right above you, either.

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