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> imagine a wholly for-profit police force.


Am i missing something here? You're saying someone selfharming justifies criminal punishment?

I'd love to have this conversation in a suburban mall food where the average bmi is >30

No. Using drugs and driving fast are both victimless crimes. There is nothing criminal about them per se. I am saying that the same justification is used to justify both speed limits and drug prohibitions.

My parent comment said (referring to speeding past a school bus without harming anyone):

> Just because they are not the victim of murder or assault doesn't mean they're not a victim. You threatened them. You endangered them. They are victims of being put in danger by you.

Pro drug-prohibitionists would argue: just because you can use heroin without hurting anyone does not mean it isn't generally hurtful. But it does lead to other crimes: theft, murder, child neglect, spousal abuse, rape, etc. and burdens society (medical, unemployment, homelessness). You don't have to agree with this justification of course.

'Your right to swing your fist stops where my nose begins' sounds simple. But what if people keep swinging their fists around and unintentionally hitting me? What if people are living on the street and stealing from me so they can spend all day swinging their arms around? What if my neighbour swings her arms around so much she gets dizzy then decides to drive-while-dizzy?

All those questions can be answered with "charge them with a crime after they commit one, not because you think they might commit one because they're [on drugs/obsessed with swinging fists around]"

Stealing from you? Charge them with theft. Hitting you accidentally? Let's call that a misdemeanor. Driving while dizzy? Call it DWAI.

Well then you disagree with the post I originally replied to.

> news isn't religion

Anecdotally it feels that way in modern society.

Ask a random person if they believe Fox news.

> verbal announcements

At this point the foreigner is more Japanese than the local friend.

> Taxi Driver formed part of the delusional fantasy of John Hinckley Jr.[26] that triggered his attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981, an act for which he was found not guilty by reason of insanity

Its great to be an optimist and think movies don't cause harm, clearly not everyone got the memo, there's some really crazy people out there.



Can anyone elaborate on [3] or at least copypaste it?

Twitter links seem to rarely work without having the app on mobile, it's disgustingly blatant dark pattern stuff.

The most “amusing” part of that thread in my opinion is this one:

> The http://mozilla.org tab discussing the importance of Privacy loads in the background, bringing along with it the Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. Hello, Google.

I suspect that says more about the state of frontend development today than about Mozillas privacy policy.

Anyway, I think Mozilla should address all these concerns ASAP.

On desktop, if you have JS turned off, it throws up a page saying "We've detected that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Would you like to proceed to legacy Twitter?"

If you click yes, it tries to set a cookie. If it can't set a cookie, it throws up a page saying "We've detected that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Would you like to proceed to legacy Twitter?" etc.

OMG that is so much better than the original. Why don't people just write actual blog posts! It makes so much more sense than stringing together 20 tweets!

While I agree with the sentiment feel the urge to note that where I live but you will face punishment for having blackberries growing on your property similar to what you would for selling marijuana.

Blackberries are a national pest, and yet sell for $80/kg in supermarkets. The average person could collect over $50 worth from the side of the road in under an hour.

Australia is not known for its efficiency nor logic.

> Glasgow council is selling land like its going out of fashion to developers

Guessing the sentiment here is that this is bad? Why exactly? Is Glasgow not growing and ever more people needing roofs over heads?

I've never once heard a person hate on farmers for producing too much food for consumption but the moment developers come even close to meeting demand for housing they are considered on par with criminals.

Both are essentials for life. Yet an abundance of one may reduce an individuals personal wealth.

In my country developers are banned from political donations, bikie gangs (organised criminals) are not.

Because private developers only build housing for a profit, which does not make it possible to satisfy everyone's needs and is therefore not in line with the supposed purpose of the council. If it truly cared about the needs of its constituents, the council could contract out to develop the land itself and provide housing at a cost accessible to everyone. Instead there is a lot of money sloshing around for the wealthy and powerful, and a lot of poor people with inadequate housing. This is why these people are considered "on par with criminals" and why your farming analogy is not really relevant.

https://dark.fail/ for market and forum links. Dread and Avengers are the forums.

Browse around or ask questions on the forums. Reputation is everything on darknet markets, a reputable seller from your own country is highly unlikely to do you wrong.

What news does reach "the majority of people in China"?

The children of senior officials routinely study overseas, it's painfully mundane.

As for China "ramping up anti-western rhetoric", I'm truly struggling to see what you mean being in a unique position between the two, would actually say the opposite. Are you sure about that or is it more a localized viewpoint far removed from statements made by the Chinese government and media arms?

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