That was one of the weakest points of the article. If Mullenbeg is going to turn Auttomatic into IBM, I can come up with 214 billion reasons why that's perfectly fine for most people.
Yeah the post uses dramatic turns of phrase like this to associate a mediocre point with something topical to get to the top of hackernews.
I'm honestly not sure whats being said here because frankly im not sure who, before seeing this, was thinking WordPress was anything other than a very widely used piece of legacy software. The reason this chaos matters is because of the number of actual people that jerk's hijack negatively impacts. Further, the post seems to unknowingly prove that actually WP still does have value because alternatives are all closed source.
Will be interesting to review this in 5-10 years to see how many of these are still viable and whether there's a fashion tax to pay by having to switch.
Correct. Some friends and I started saying "throw it aways" instead. I think it much better describes the actual situation. It didn't really catch on, though I wish it would.
Once, as a kid in the UK about thirty five years ago, I was watching ahem a movie for grown ups, and chicken Man provided the musical accompaniment to a scene.