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The Xiao BLE nRF52840 might be worth a look.


I use a combination of add-ons (Firefox) like Tab Session Manager. Containers, where some sites are forced to open only in their own group e.g. Github, which then allows them to be hidden from view using Container Tab Groups.


Thanks for the rec, put it on my tbr. I have only read True Names by VV.

True Names is excellent! A Fire Upon the Deep is also one of my favourite sci fi novels.

Thanks, added to my list. The afterword by Minsky made True Names even more memorable.

This might be considered a spoiler: https://web.media.mit.edu/~minsky/papers/TrueNames.Afterword...

I have only watched the show. In hindsight, I should have read the books. However, as the show hasn't been greenlit for further adaptations, I have been debating if I should just follow through with Persepolis Rising and the remaining books or start from scratch including all the novellas.

The Novellas are amazing! So, I definitely recommend them. I loved The Churn personally, because I really enjoyed finding out more about Amos.

I'd recommend reading all the books anyway. They flow quit differently to the show, even if they are a faithful adaptation. So, I think you'll enjoy the experience even if you think you know what's coming.

You have convinced me. I don't think I can glean much more from re-watching the shows at this point. It is good to know that the books have some added dimensionality.

I went through a very similar experience on using keybr to learn Colemak last year. It was in anticipation of typing on a custom split ergo to improve efficiency.

I was really surprised by how easy it is to build up muscle memory, along with some decent speed/accuracy. However, I had to make a decision to unlearn most of my efforts and go back to QWERTY, as it was causing too much confusion switching between the two layouts. Colemak was also causing cramps between the shoulders and the neck on traditional staggered keyboards. Regardless, I am glad that I undertook this exercise, and occasionally do some tests for basic retention.

I am not sure how fruitful your efforts are going to be to circumvent this check. I remember coming across some information that the SH app has some country restrictions and spoof detection, which requires geolocation, probably via a SIM or Device CSC.

>Would Spam stop if people stopped responding to it?

I don't ever intend to respond to spam, and have become extremely adept at spotting the patterns and swatting it away. However, it becomes a game of chance, when a service like Outlook puts it right at the top of the app (both iOS and Android) where you would reflexively jab at it, unless of course, you pay the premium to remove it.

For now, I have found a way to stop this nuisance. However, MS are playing fast and loose with their policies and now very legitimate looking spam is leaking into the inbox, escaping any filters. Since last year it is appearing along with the glaringly obvious Unicode riddled ones, with increasing regularity. It seems like a matter of time and co-incidence, where you would end up interacting with a piece of disguised mail you were expecting e.g. an order from Amazon or a service which you use regularly, and possibly respond without checking the header.

This recent episode was probably the worst experience, albeit not the first time it has happened.


The Dual Messenger is a great feature, in addition to the business version. IIRC, you can also have separate instances running in the secure folder too.

AI21 Labs tried to replicate the style of late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg based on her legal writings and failed, at least for now.


Judging from the USB-C at the top and other tact/slide switches on the side, my guess is that the MCU and a prismatic battery of sorts (500mAh Li-ion?) occupies that space. A low profile design will always have some tradeoffs; perhaps an oled in that space is possible with a cutout for a badge.

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