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I don't think you can generalize it like that. Hunger comes from signals originating in your stomach. Without a stomach, you're brain would lose energy -- and I'd wager the symptoms would be more like oxygen deprivation than "hunger".

Why would the symptoms feel any different if my brain were receiving the exact same signals?

It wasn't so much "science was settled" as much as the plastic industry lobbying to improve their image and put the burden on consumers to "recycle" plastics, despite knowing it wasn't going to help things. And unlike conspiracy theories -- we have evidence.


I have moved to Arch Linux 100% for work and personal use. I too have a Windows 10 machine for gaming -- but it runs LTSC, which is _much_ more super user friendly, less user hostile.

What a refreshing article. One I can understand for a change.

Just keep hanging around here and you'll start understanding more of them ;)

I've had 2 previous companies do something similar. Team of 5 or so develop a product. It's realeased and they move / layoff all but one or two devs including me. I get overburdened; ask for a raise. The first company that did this, the boss literally scoffed at me. I was gone within a couple months.

The second company recognized my value and gave me a very generous raise. Unfortunately for them, shortly after that I got an offer I couldn't refuse.

> The second company recognized my value and gave me a very generous raise. Unfortunately for them, shortly after that I got an offer I couldn't refuse.

So they only recognized a portion of your value.

Considering it was government contracting, it was as good as it was going to get. The offer I got was from a near-tech company.

Or the mafia went after them

> equally dystopian agenda they’re pushing on kids

Please elaborate.

He said killing, no imprisoning.

On a couple occasions, Google Maps kept suggesting and autoselecting a "shorter" route. Upon selecting it, though, my ETA increased by 40 minutes instead of dropping like it said it would.

I kept having to dismiss it until the "shortcut" was passed.

That’s so bad. I have experienced similar things and now I don’t use any maps within my city as I know all routes and it’s a relief not having to constantly look at the screen and switch back to road.

What I fail to understand is, I guess everyone on the dev team of google maps, is actually using the app on almost daily basis. Why can’t they see its flaws, how can they not be passionate to improve something that they themselves use daily and when they are even getting paid to improve it.

This is ripe for a new player to jump in.

I think that meant more when the reviews were not egregiously astroturfed like that are now.

LibGDX - https://libgdx.com/

I used that a few years ago -- not sure how it's held up.

I just started another libGDX project a few months ago (2D only), in Kotlin; it still works as well as it ever did. Have had no issues running on Win/Mac/Linux. Could not find any reason not to use openGL.

I have a feeling GLSL shaders will never die and I'll be writing them when I'm 80.

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