>"In other words, high-performance code should ideally run so fast that any further improvement in the code would be pointless.
And then define pointless, to make a quantified decision on optimization you should use a performance model. Common model is the roofline model. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roofline_model
And the polish killed their fare share of German civilians.. It's a reason that statute of limitations is considered a part of a civilized justice system. Sometimes letting the past be the past and move on is a good thing.
While I personally is against dragging old people in front of courts 70 years after the alleged crimes (polish or German), at list the Polish do not discriminate.
You're being disingenuous. First of all, my objection was to your equating whatever instances of Polish (please capitalize) retaliation against Germans with German war crimes. THAT is despicable. You cannot draw a moral equivalency between systematic German extermination and instances of retaliation (whether expulsion, spontaneous and isolated retribution, Jewish revenge squads or actions orchestrated by the Russians). Sadly, there have been attempts by some (like Erika Steinbach) to relativize and manipulate history to make Nazi war crimes seem not unusual for the time period, presumably to soften the guilt. Your original comment was doing precisely that. Second, much of the history surrounding retribution is still not settled and controversial. Sadly, it is politicized. There have been attempts to use favorable narratives to, e.g., extract restitution from Poland (!!) for confiscated property or property abandoned even decades after the war. A number of exaggerated, fabricated or unsubstantiated claims about supposed Nazi collaboration have been published as well which were later discredited. Third, expulsion (which was ordered by Russia and not something alien to Germans) is not systematic extermination (see first point). Fourth, ideally, everyone, regardless of ethnicity, should face justice. It is not always possible, but it does not mean that it should not be done when possible. Sadly, of the thousands of members of the SS involved in extermination and massacres, relatively few have faced trial. Finally, it's worth noting that Michael Karkoc, the subject of the article, is not German but Ukrainian. Ukrainians have not yet come to terms with Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis.
My comment was to the absurdity of having a trail for a 98 year old man. As I get from your emotional involvement in this case, you come from the region? As you then probably know, in one country the SS (local) are among many considered heroes, in the neighbour country criminals. Elements of the local SS units was after the war taken over by the CIA(Gehlen Organization). And was waging guerilla war against the soviets. There successor units are presently fighting in the eastern Ukraine and are US allies (Right sector and others)..
Not really defending the posters point, but the ethnic cleansing of former easternmost germany from modern poland is a well established historical fact, over 2 million may have died.
I did not watch you link, but many modern chemical weapons are binary compounds. Meaning the two compounds has to be mixed to get the final weapon. This makes leaking etc, not as big problem as leaking of actual chemical weapons...
Once things start leaking you're a very small step away from them mixing accidentally.
Unless containment has been set up in such a way that this is a geographical impossibility (for instance, on two sides of the Rocky mountains to stop accidental mixing in groundwater).
"Several states have reported attempted scans of their computer systems".. I don't find it likely that the Russians have mastered port scanning technology, this bears all the hallmarks of the hacker 4chan!
>That population would be below the level necessary to maintain genetic diversity. At least in NZ, the Kiwis have the decency to say that they want a species eliminated outright.
The Norwegian wolf population is a common population with the Swedish population. The total is something like 400 wolfs. (For the record I support a robust wolf population.)
Not looked at OPs code, but if you build this stuff how a compiler book tells you to... The front end of a interpreter and a compiler is the same. You build a AST, if you interpret you well interpret that. If you have a compiler, the AST is turned into the target language, in most cases asm. The front end is the scanner/Lexer, the parser and most likely semantic analyser. So to answer you question :), if you make a non optimizing compiler, turning the AST into asm is trivial. The hard part of making compilers is the optimization. Most of the front end you do not need to write actually! There are compiler-compilers for that.