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One common theme I've noticed with Progressive policy on the west coast is that well make the progressive amendments to our laws and policies, but we don't have the institutions to support those policies.

At least with Portugal, they have a stick in their policy that enforces treatment and medical attention if you're strung out and using on the street.

Also, Channel 5 did a great piece on the Safe Injection Site in SF. When talking to the "real ones", the safe site made all the difference in people's lives when it was available.

FIDO passkeys are the way to go now. It's saved to your password manager and just needs one click to authorize your login.

You can get a weekly universal basic income in online mode for five if you have an Amazon Prime account

Bibi had all the power to stop Hamas, but a secular Gaza isn't in his political interests.


I think part of the right's fixation with SF is that it was the first major city to shelter in place in early 2020 and 'cross the rubicon' into the world we live in today.

It's also a "sanctuary city" and a literal icon of the LGBTQ movement. It's basically all the things the right think are ruining America.

I grew up around SF and was a free range teenager taking buses everywhere knowing the trunk lines across town would show up every 5 minutes, glad there were large shared spaces and affordable places to hang out and eat with friends.

Pieces from the New York Post would prolly make parents not want their kids to take MUNI regularly.

Most folks associate taking psychedelics and hanging out in a living room, out in nature, being at a club, festival or warehouse. The difference here is that the dugs are being used in a directed mental health setting with process and procedure. This has roots going back to Native American spiritual and communal experiences like the ayahuscaeros of today.

Joe Rogan's old content postulates that religion as we know it today was formed from psychedelic experiences. For example, the bush that burned in front of Moses was acacia and widely known in the levant to have psychedelic properties


That’s a strange way to explain away Moses’ encounter with God (what is written), seeing as according to the text it occurred many times without the burning bush present. See Exodus 33 on the tent of meeting.

Reading in psychedelics into the text is eisegesis rather than exegesis (reading in the interpreters bias into the text rather than discerning the original author’s intent).

Hate that Joe Rogan co-opted Terrence McKenna's huge body of work. And badly, at that.

Everyone here be talking about cookware where increasingly teflon is getting produced via gore-tex and going into higher end products for companies like Vans, Nike and Adidas as a waterproof feature.

Increasingly? It's been there for decades.

This "article" is specifically about overheating teflon-coated cookware, and nothing else. (Sure hope your shoes are not on fire!)

Implying the effort and capital will come through go preserve those obscure languages, especially ones that originate from geographically isolated places. I'd love to see it in places like the Philippines where the aboriginal script and tribal patterns and designs are coming in vogue now.

Isn't a technical challenge, too? T

hose languages have barely any presence online, so there isn't remotely enough data to make a good translator... just look at Whisper accuracy for less institutional languages, for a reference

Living in California all my life and seeing local municipalities essentially pretend they're still in the 1970s and adhere to car orientation and single family homes for their land use really makes me wish these jurisdictions would lose local control with policies like the Builder's Remedy.

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