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a lot of people do, for example me. apple maps sucks badly where i live (eu). say, it has no idea my house (built 6 years ago) exists, it builds routes via non-existing roads, is not aware of road works, detours or most of the businesses around

apple maps is completely useless here, even though i don’t like using a google app, there’s no alternative

Apple maps sucks badly here in the US as well. Just last month it took me down a road that had been closed and diverted many years ago, we almost missed a wedding.

That makes sense, though that's highly specific to where you live. Where I live it works perfectly so I have no reason to use Google Maps at all.

Well, it was recently added to ports, JFYI


Good to hear, it was a few months ago when I was looking and it was still a mess back then. Will have to take another look.

It looks like the port was compiled with a binary SkiaSharp [0] since that requires Google tooling to build. Interesting to see the committer allowing this. Apparently it is not the first time.

0. https://github.com/mono/SkiaSharp

you'd be even more impressed to find out how often polish characters (ąęłćśżźńó) get totally screwed in... poland itself

i can. so you can too. the hardest part is finding a clean ip in a clean block. the rest is quite simple and straightforward. dkim+spf set up was enough for my opensmtpd to deliver my mail to all the big players without any going to spam

i had been using telnet for irc in the 90s a lot, it doesn’t really require any custom client

> they literally run out of fuel on the way

surprise (not), but they literally ran out of fuel on the way [0]

that 65km convoy is just a 65km sitting duck of a traffic jam at the moment. without fuel and food

all of this war is a festival of glorious russian corruption and incompetency at its best. i, as a ukrainian, must thank them for that

[0]: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-move-kyiv-stall...

try searching zigbee2mqtt supported devices: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/supported-devices/#s=switch

HA is nice, and I've been running it on RPi for a few years, mainly to make my air purifiers work in the way I want, plus some light switches and a motion detector

The only annoying thing are random breaking changes which make me overhaul my configs a couple of times per year

short answer: it will pass

longer answer: been there, seen that. carry on, find yourself a hobby and a couple of friends who share it (might require some effort, but it’s worth it). kids are also very rewarding (probably not for everyone, but surely for me), albeit very demanding too. anyway, it will pass, just dont try to drink or drug it out - that will only make things worse

good luck

heh, yeah, right, in the former ussr too there are people who fondly remember a lot of stuff their nomenclature families did have, which the other 99% didnt. and they certainly dont remember any shit the lowly plebs been through

what they are actually missing is the lost great times when they were able to feel being so high above the others

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