1. | | Why Do We Expect So Little of Our Youth? (bch.me) |
48 points by yo-mf on July 30, 2012 | past | 49 comments
2. | | New York City Accelerators, Incubators, and Coworking Spaces | Strong OpinionsI (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on July 23, 2012 | past
3. | | One Word Replies and Other Bad Emails Habits | Strong Opinions (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on July 19, 2012 | past
4. | | Communications Breakdown | Strong Opinions (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on July 13, 2012 | past
5. | | Quit Kindergarten, Usher in Telepathy 2.0, and Other Interweb Disturbances (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 21, 2012 | past
6. | | University of You (bch.me) |
2 points by yo-mf on May 15, 2012 | past
7. | | Nine Top Subscription Commerce Services We Desperately Need (bch.me) |
2 points by yo-mf on May 15, 2012 | past
8. | | 3 Common Hiring Mistakes With Recruiting “A Players” (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 14, 2012 | past
9. | | FOOD+TECH: Weight of the Nation & Obesity Prevention (INFOGRAPHIC)) (foodandtechconnect.com) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 14, 2012 | past
10. | | The Myth of “A Players” (bch.me) |
2 points by yo-mf on May 10, 2012 | past
11. | | Tech Startups as the Next Small Business Wave (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 4, 2012 | past
12. | | The Non-Tech Tech Startup (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 4, 2012 | past
13. | | Competition, Startups, and Vision (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 1, 2012 | past
14. | | The Death of Empathy and the American Dilemma (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on May 1, 2012 | past
15. | | Addendum to My "You Are Probably Not a Hacker" Post (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 25, 2012 | past
16. | | LinkedIn Will Eventually Buy Quora (bch.me) |
2 points by yo-mf on April 25, 2012 | past
17. | | Outsourcing the Startup (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 24, 2012 | past
18. | | Everything Crowdfunded (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 24, 2012 | past
19. | | Funding Announcements and Startups (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 21, 2012 | past
20. | | Your Product Is Your Marketing (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 20, 2012 | past
21. | | Silicon Alley Makes Me Puke (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 20, 2012 | past
22. | | You Are Probably Not a Hacker (bch.me) |
25 points by yo-mf on April 19, 2012 | past | 13 comments
23. | | The Coming Wave of Enterprise Tech in NYC (bch.me) |
5 points by yo-mf on April 18, 2012 | past
24. | | Fooled By Randomness in Product Design and Investing (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 13, 2012 | past
25. | | Mobile First or Web First? (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 6, 2012 | past | 1 comment
26. | | Stop Crapping All Over the Email Client (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 5, 2012 | past
27. | | The Arrogance and Luxury of Scale (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 4, 2012 | past
28. | | Invasion of the Social Media Snooping Employers (bch.me) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 4, 2012 | past
29. | | Vendor Transparency and Future of Enterprise SaaS Sales (bch.me) |
2 points by yo-mf on April 3, 2012 | past
30. | | A Derivatives Exchange for Trading US Election Results? (nytimes.com) |
1 point by yo-mf on April 3, 2012 | past
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