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1. Ask HN: Best way for non CS background dev to go and learn the basics incl math?
3 points by virtuexru on Dec 31, 2018 | past | 2 comments
2. Ask HN: How to efficiently learn a codebase new job that has no documentation?
4 points by virtuexru on Dec 27, 2018 | past | 2 comments
3. Controlling Spotify from your Terminal in less than 2 minutes (Mac OS X) (codingpepe.com)
1 point by virtuexru on Jan 26, 2017 | past
4. My guide to compile and install Bitcoind on Ubuntu 12.04 using VirtualBox (virtuedev.com)
3 points by virtuexru on May 14, 2014 | past
5. OK Y Combinator, I've been working on my online startup for 4 months.. comments? (postmyday.com)
4 points by virtuexru on June 16, 2007 | past | 9 comments

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