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1. British Airways breach: Customer and credit card data stolen for 2 weeks (britishairways.com)
2 points by thesimon on Sept 6, 2018 | past
2. Oxy – A Security Focused Remote Access Tool (oxy-secure.app)
186 points by thesimon on June 25, 2018 | past | 84 comments
3. CNBC password tester: HTTP, shared with advertisers, stored on Google (sophos.com)
13 points by thesimon on April 4, 2016 | past | 1 comment
4. Powa raised $175 mio to revolutionize shopping – now goes into administration (finextra.com)
2 points by thesimon on Feb 20, 2016 | past
5. Getting exam tasks beforehand through Freedom of Information Act (simon-schraeder.de)
3 points by thesimon on April 29, 2015 | past | 2 comments
6. XSS in WP-Super-Cache, millions of sites affected (sucuri.net)
1 point by thesimon on April 9, 2015 | past
7. Google Released Chrome Remote Desktop for iOS (itunes.apple.com)
1 point by thesimon on Jan 12, 2015 | past

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