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1. Q&A With Bill Mensch, co-creator of the 6502 (ieee.org)
122 points by systems_glitch 7 months ago | past | 35 comments
2. DRAKON Modeling Language (wikipedia.org)
2 points by systems_glitch on June 28, 2023 | past
3. Google Blocking Hurricane Electric Tunneled IPv6 /64s (twitter.com/myzared)
27 points by systems_glitch on June 22, 2023 | past | 11 comments
4. P&T Surplus in Kingston, NY (dailyfreeman.com)
1 point by systems_glitch on Feb 22, 2023 | past | 1 comment
5. Lights Stuck on at High School Due to Software Failure (nbcnews.com)
20 points by systems_glitch on Jan 19, 2023 | past | 9 comments
6. “Largest Battery in the World” – Bath County Pumped Storage Station (wikipedia.org)
2 points by systems_glitch on Jan 17, 2023 | past | 2 comments
7. Early IC Package with Rolled Legs (imgur.com)
1 point by systems_glitch on Nov 23, 2021 | past | 1 comment
8. We're trying to assemble boards in the USA, it's starting to work (youtube.com)
14 points by systems_glitch on Nov 18, 2021 | past | 3 comments
9. Programmer's Resignation from 1985 (glitchwrks.com)
286 points by systems_glitch on June 12, 2021 | past | 119 comments
10. Binary MRI rubies statically linked to vulnerable OpenSSL (gist.github.com)
3 points by systems_glitch on April 11, 2014 | past | 2 comments

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