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1. Olympic Medals per Capita (medalspercapita.com)
2 points by spectre on Aug 13, 2016 | past
2. Major Music Labels to abandon CD-format (side-line.com)
1 point by spectre on Nov 3, 2011 | past
3. If you could rebuild a city from scratch (elevatedgardencity.com)
4 points by spectre on March 19, 2011 | past | 2 comments
4. Worsley Navigable Levels (wikipedia.org)
2 points by spectre on June 22, 2010 | past
5. DIY Flying Hovercraft (trademe.co.nz)
2 points by spectre on March 4, 2010 | past | 1 comment
6. OS X’s Expose feature for the iPhone (mobilecrunch.com)
1 point by spectre on Oct 13, 2009 | past
7. Injunction by Twitter: Stopping a Web Impostor (time.com)
1 point by spectre on Oct 5, 2009 | past
8. TechCruch50 Drinking Game (techcrunch.com)
10 points by spectre on Sept 15, 2009 | past | 1 comment
9. Vecta (kaddar.net)
2 points by spectre on Sept 10, 2009 | past
10. How To Sell Something: Make Up A Story (trademe.co.nz)
12 points by spectre on June 12, 2009 | past | 1 comment

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