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1. Replace Git-number with native Git aliases (kau.sh)
2 points by sorcercode 5 months ago | past
2. Own your online presence – Step 1 (kau.sh)
1 point by sorcercode on Feb 3, 2023 | past
3. How to output audio to multiple AirPods or headphones (kau.sh)
4 points by sorcercode on Jan 30, 2023 | past
4. What does $0=$2 in awk do? (kau.sh)
131 points by sorcercode on Sept 25, 2022 | past | 85 comments
5. What a Mac mini and Tailscale enables (kau.sh)
5 points by sorcercode on Aug 21, 2022 | past
6. Henry – A Jekyll Theme (jkl.gg)
1 point by sorcercode on March 21, 2021 | past
7. iPhones Pixels and lazy Android developers (jkl.gg)
2 points by sorcercode on Sept 7, 2020 | past
8. Build your Iosevka (monospaced) font version on the Mac (jkl.gg)
1 point by sorcercode on April 16, 2020 | past
9. Build an Awk program from scratch to edit multiple files (youtube.com)
2 points by sorcercode on March 16, 2020 | past
10. Git-number to the command-line-typing rescue (kaush.co)
1 point by sorcercode on Feb 20, 2020 | past
11. Continuously Distribute Your Blog (kaush.co)
3 points by sorcercode on Feb 3, 2020 | past
12. Hacking Your Keyboard (kaush.co)
115 points by sorcercode on Dec 27, 2019 | past | 85 comments
13. Is iOS starting to get Fragmented? (kaush.co)
1 point by sorcercode on June 13, 2019 | past
14. Building a Hackathon vote tabulation form on the cheap (Google Forms and Kotlin) (instacart.com)
1 point by sorcercode on Sept 11, 2018 | past
15. That time I met Andy Rubin (kaush.co)
1 point by sorcercode on May 31, 2017 | past
16. Stack Overflow Developer Stories (stackoverflow.blog)
2 points by sorcercode on Nov 23, 2016 | past
17. Why We Moved to React (instacart.com)
158 points by sorcercode on Feb 26, 2016 | past | 141 comments
18. Instacart Tech Blog – Just Getting Started (instacart.com)
20 points by sorcercode on Nov 4, 2015 | past
19. Rx is coming (kaush.co)
1 point by sorcercode on March 3, 2015 | past
20. Primer on Threading and Handlers in Android (weddingpartyapp.com)
10 points by sorcercode on June 20, 2014 | past

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