1. | | NAND to MIPS: A Crash Course in CPU Architecture (slid.es) |
5 points by skryl on Aug 9, 2013 | past
2. | | NAND to MIPS, A Crash Course in CPU Architecture (slid.es) |
2 points by skryl on Aug 9, 2013 | past
3. | | The Rest of Odersky's Functional Programming Course (epfl.ch) |
1 point by skryl on May 18, 2013 | past
4. | | Show HN: The XKCD Knapsack Solver (xkcd287.herokuapp.com) |
3 points by skryl on March 12, 2013 | past | 3 comments
5. | | It's time to rethink the freelance marketplace (aboutclique.com) |
4 points by skryl on March 1, 2013 | past | 1 comment
6. | | Cat in Color (skryl.org) |
1 point by skryl on Oct 9, 2012 | past
7. | | Show HN: Monitoring sleep patterns with myZeo (skryl.com) |
3 points by skryl on Sept 17, 2012 | past
8. | | Show HN: Tracking sleep using the MyZeo web API (skryl.org) |
1 point by skryl on Aug 6, 2012 | past
9. | | A Quest for the Perfect Click (skryl.org) |
1 point by skryl on Aug 2, 2012 | past
10. | | The Tanenbaum-Torvalds Debate (oreilly.com) |
2 points by skryl on July 16, 2012 | past | 1 comment
11. | | Accuracy takes power: one man’s 3GHz quest to build a perfect SNES emulator (arstechnica.com) |
143 points by skryl on May 17, 2012 | past | 54 comments
12. | | Magma - Thunderbolt to PCIe Expansion (magma.com) |
2 points by skryl on May 17, 2012 | past
13. | | Creativity is not a talent (youtube.com) |
4 points by skryl on April 26, 2012 | past | 3 comments
14. | | Permanently disable 're-open windows' on OSX (orig1n.net) |
1 point by skryl on April 25, 2012 | past
15. | | You and Your Research by Richard Hamming (virginia.edu) |
8 points by skryl on March 11, 2012 | past
16. | | Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science, Digital Edition (orig1n.net) |
3 points by skryl on Nov 7, 2011 | past