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1. More useful checksums using Merkle trees (github.com/sclevine)
2 points by sclevine on March 11, 2022 | past
2. Cloud Native Buildpacks Enter Incubation in CNCF (cncf.io)
11 points by sclevine on Nov 18, 2020 | past
3. Show HN: CLI to convert between data serialization formats, preserves order (github.com/sclevine)
1 point by sclevine on July 25, 2020 | past
4. WireGuard on K8s: road-warrior-style VPN server (levine.sh)
165 points by sclevine on April 28, 2020 | past | 52 comments
5. Paketo Buildpacks: Modular Buildpacks in Go (medium.com/paketo-buildpacks)
19 points by sclevine on April 21, 2020 | past
6. Pivotal open sources kpack: A K8s-native Docker image build service (pivotal.io)
4 points by sclevine on Aug 23, 2019 | past
7. CNCF’s Cloud Native Buildpacks releases first beta for end users (medium.com/buildpacks)
16 points by sclevine on April 3, 2019 | past | 1 comment
8. CLI Tool – Convert between JSON, YAML, TOML, and HCL (github.com/sclevine)
2 points by sclevine on Jan 24, 2019 | past | 1 comment
9. Go CLI: JSON-to-YAML-to-TOML (github.com/sclevine)
1 point by sclevine on Oct 24, 2018 | past
10. Build and run Cloud Foundry apps in Docker (techcrunch.com)
1 point by sclevine on Oct 12, 2017 | past
11. Stackable, contextual Go middleware that conforms to http.Handler (github.com/sclevine)
1 point by sclevine on May 11, 2015 | past
12. Agouti - An acceptance testing framework for Golang (pivotallabs.com)
2 points by sclevine on Nov 4, 2014 | past

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