1. | | What fucking programming language should I use? (wfplsiu.com) |
74 points by publicfig on March 24, 2016 | past | 56 comments
2. | | Yahoo yanks Yahoo Screen hub, scatters “original” content across sites (arstechnica.com) |
1 point by publicfig on Jan 4, 2016 | past
3. | | The debate over whether there's a new tech bubble, explained (vox.com) |
2 points by publicfig on Sept 11, 2015 | past
4. | | Hulu to offer an ad-free option for monthly subscribers (arstechnica.com) |
1 point by publicfig on Sept 2, 2015 | past
5. | | I Waited 19 Months for the Magic Coin Card and It Was a Big Disappointment (recode.net) |
46 points by publicfig on July 13, 2015 | past | 39 comments
6. | | Carl Icahn Exits Netflix with Profit of at Least $1.6B; Puts Focus on Apple (bloomberg.com) |
1 point by publicfig on June 24, 2015 | past
7. | | Banned beans: can Keurig kill coffee pirates with DRM? (theverge.com) |
2 points by publicfig on June 30, 2014 | past | 2 comments
8. | | FCC Head to Revise Broadband-Rules Plan (wsj.com) |
1 point by publicfig on May 12, 2014 | past
9. | | Soaring price of Bitcoin prompts CryptoLocker ransomware price break (arstechnica.com) |
3 points by publicfig on Nov 22, 2013 | past
10. | | PyPI is down (python.org) |
2 points by publicfig on Nov 15, 2013 | past
11. | | Capo3: Reverse Engineering Rock and Roll (supermegaultragroovy.com) |
1 point by publicfig on Oct 9, 2013 | past
12. | | Macaw: The Code-Savvy Web Design Tool (kickstarter.com) |
23 points by publicfig on Oct 2, 2013 | past | 1 comment
13. | | Salesforce.com's Marc Benioff On Innovation, Acquisitions And Reinvention (forbes.com/sites/connieguglielmo) |
1 point by publicfig on Aug 19, 2013 | past
14. | | IRS accidentally puts thousands of Social Security Numbers online (resource.org) |
2 points by publicfig on July 8, 2013 | past
15. | | A collection of Youtube videos demonstrating old computer viruses. (criminalwisdom.com) |
6 points by publicfig on July 1, 2013 | past
16. | | Yahoo resetting usernames that have been inactive for over 12 months (yahoo.tumblr.com) |
38 points by publicfig on June 12, 2013 | past | 57 comments
17. | | Microsoft Plans Dramatic Reorganization (businessinsider.com) |
2 points by publicfig on June 6, 2013 | past
18. | | No, HTML5 does not have a performance issue. (paulbakaus.com) |
1 point by publicfig on May 13, 2013 | past
19. | | Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files (nerdpower.org) |
2 points by publicfig on April 26, 2013 | past
20. | | Mars One Mission Could Go Horribly Wrong - If It Ever Gets Off the Ground (physicsfocus.org) |
1 point by publicfig on April 24, 2013 | past
21. | | Code for America's 2012 Annual Report (codeforamerica.org) |
26 points by publicfig on April 4, 2013 | past | 6 comments
22. | | Google announces open source patent pledge, won't sue 'unless first attacked' (theverge.com) |
15 points by publicfig on March 28, 2013 | past | 2 comments
23. | | Google's Self-Driving Robot Cars Are Ruining My Commute (businessweek.com) |
2 points by publicfig on March 28, 2013 | past
24. | | Why a Handshake Isn't Enough In Silicon Valley (esquire.com) |
6 points by publicfig on March 20, 2013 | past