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1. Ask HN: What did you learn today?
1 point by omosubi on Oct 13, 2022 | past | 1 comment
2. Poll HN: How many lines of production code do you write in the average week?
3 points by omosubi on Sept 1, 2022 | past
3. Ask HN: How Resilient Is the Internet?
4 points by omosubi on July 13, 2022 | past | 1 comment
4. Ask HN: Whatever Happened to Quantum Computing?
2 points by omosubi on June 4, 2022 | past | 3 comments
5. Ask HN: What recent art (last ~20 years) will be well known in 500 years?
21 points by omosubi on March 16, 2022 | past | 52 comments
6. Poll: Do you like your job?
4 points by omosubi on Feb 16, 2022 | past
7. [flagged] Ask HN: How should I find a wife?
23 points by omosubi on Jan 18, 2022 | past | 42 comments
8. Ask HN: Developer Side Project Progression?
1 point by omosubi on Dec 20, 2021 | past
9. Ask HN: How would you have done high school/college/university differently?
28 points by omosubi on Dec 5, 2021 | past | 49 comments
10. Ask HN: Why is the Spotify UX so horrible?
45 points by omosubi on Nov 17, 2021 | past | 40 comments
11. Ask HN: Best quick references/cheat sheets?
1 point by omosubi on Nov 9, 2021 | past
12. Ask HN: Do you find your companies yearly review process useful?
6 points by omosubi on Oct 30, 2021 | past | 5 comments
13. Ask HN: What are the best ideas from the last 20 years?
3 points by omosubi on Aug 10, 2021 | past | 3 comments
14. Ask HN: How to Become More Ambitious?
3 points by omosubi on July 7, 2021 | past | 2 comments
15. Ask HN: If you changed jobs recently, how much were/are you making?
2 points by omosubi on July 2, 2021 | past
16. Ask HN: What habits have you managed to change?
51 points by omosubi on June 27, 2021 | past | 83 comments
17. Ask HN: Best way to learn design patterns?
2 points by omosubi on Feb 11, 2021 | past | 1 comment
18. Ask HN: Have you “grabbed life by the horns?” What did you do?
1 point by omosubi on Nov 3, 2020 | past | 1 comment
19. Ask HN: Best books/articles on world history?
2 points by omosubi on Oct 14, 2020 | past | 4 comments
20. Ask HN: Do you follow anyone interesting on Goodreads?
1 point by omosubi on July 1, 2020 | past
21. Have you cut sugar out of your diet? How?
2 points by omosubi on June 15, 2020 | past | 1 comment
22. Ask HN: What societal changes will result from Coronavirus?
6 points by omosubi on March 14, 2020 | past | 3 comments
23. Ask HN: Which charities do you donate to?
122 points by omosubi on Dec 3, 2019 | past | 150 comments
24. Ask HN: Which things have taken you out of your comfort zone the most?
1 point by omosubi on Nov 23, 2019 | past
25. Ask HN: Where do you meet smart or interesting people offline?
2 points by omosubi on Nov 9, 2019 | past
26. Ask HN: What Are You Reading?
39 points by omosubi on Nov 5, 2019 | past | 49 comments
27. Rapatronic Camera (wikipedia.org)
60 points by omosubi on Oct 14, 2019 | past | 19 comments
28. Ask HN: How did you improve your conversational skills?
39 points by omosubi on Dec 20, 2018 | past | 21 comments
29. Ask HN: Why don't Google or Apple make complete password Managers?
9 points by omosubi on Oct 9, 2018 | past | 10 comments
30. Ask HN: What gives you self-confidence?
2 points by omosubi on Oct 8, 2018 | past | 5 comments

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