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1. Global Sea Surface Temperature – New Record (twitter.com/eliotjacobson)
9 points by nsainsbury 74 days ago | past | 1 comment
2. Oil Executives Are Getting Refreshingly Honest These Days (newrepublic.com)
30 points by nsainsbury 3 months ago | past | 19 comments
3. The Youth Mental Health Crisis Is International Part 4: Europe (afterbabel.com)
25 points by nsainsbury 5 months ago | past | 13 comments
4. China suspends Tencent from updating existing apps or launching new apps (scmp.com)
7 points by nsainsbury on Nov 25, 2021 | past
5. Why I didn’t use Swift for Up Spell (twitter.com/kocienda)
1 point by nsainsbury on Oct 19, 2020 | past
6. Advanced SQL and database books and resources (neilwithdata.com)
3 points by nsainsbury on May 1, 2020 | past
7. The myth of the developer that can't code (neilwithdata.com)
62 points by nsainsbury on April 14, 2020 | past | 75 comments
8. The software industry's greatest sin: hiring (neilwithdata.com)
542 points by nsainsbury on April 10, 2020 | past | 576 comments
9. Current estimates about the Covid-19 fatality rate may be too high (wsj.com)
84 points by nsainsbury on March 25, 2020 | past | 234 comments
10. How I built the best-selling BlackBerry app (neilwithdata.com)
234 points by nsainsbury on March 9, 2020 | past | 68 comments
11. Mathematics for the Adventurous Self-Learner (neilwithdata.com)
1232 points by nsainsbury on Feb 23, 2020 | past | 210 comments
12. Mastery with SQL: Learn Modern SQL with Postgres (masterywithsql.com)
551 points by nsainsbury on June 24, 2019 | past | 80 comments
13. Is TDD Dead? (martinfowler.com)
6 points by nsainsbury on Nov 4, 2016 | past | 1 comment
14. Don’t let where you work define you (nsainsbury.svbtle.com)
4 points by nsainsbury on May 18, 2016 | past | 1 comment
15. Asleep at the Wheel (benhowell.net)
2 points by nsainsbury on July 28, 2014 | past
16. Java Developers (nsainsbury.svbtle.com)
256 points by nsainsbury on July 22, 2014 | past | 315 comments

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